chapter twenty-eight

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chapter twenty-eight ;; Five Years Passed

T h i r d  P O V

It was her death anniversary.

He kneeled down and placed the flower on top of the grave.

He felt tears escape his eyes, he felt a chill down his spine, as if someone touched his shoulder-as if someone told him to stop crying and smile. He knew where and who that touch belonged to. The tears started to flow like rain, the other going to the other. He just couldn't accept the fact that she died, out of them two, he thought that he's the one that should've died. Not her.

"It's been 5 years, since you've died. I miss you, God damn much" He muttered as tears continued to flow down. He felt a hand on his shoulders, he looked up and saw Gray with Leo.

"Natsu, Lucy wouldn't want you suffering like this, we need to go" Gray said with a sad tone and Leo just frowned.

Natsu stood up, muttering the words he hated to say.

"Our time together wasn't enough, but we'll love again in a place where time itself does not exist..."

la fine

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