chapter twelve

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chapter twelve ;; Darling, love me, not them. Understood?

L u c y P O V

It's officially a Saturday, thank fucking God! I get to watch my favorite boy band!

Stray Kids.

Stray Kids are awesome! My bias there is Jeongin, I mean he's so fucking cute and I just wanna love him and hug him and roll him in a blanket and feed him all day.

Their songs are playing very loudly in my house, which echoed throughout the walls.

The song Get Cool was playing very loud and I was dancing and bouncing around.

A loud, obnoxious knock came from the front door, I decreased the volume of my speaker and opened the door. Revealing Natsu.

"Oh, hey"

" 'Oh, hey'?! WHAT THE FUCK! I'VE BEEN KNOCKING FOR 15 MINUTES NO ONE ANSWERED!" I immediately covered my ears and closed my eyes.

"Jeez, no need to be noisy" I said and he continued glaring at me.


"Wait what? Joongmin? What kind of fucking name is that?" I immediately whacked Natsu on the head amd gave him a scowled look.

"It's Jeongin, and who in fucking hell dyes
their hair in pink, huh?" I backfired and he raised both of his arms in the air.

"Plus, they're cute and you can't deny that!" I said with pure excitement.

In these past few hours, I was teaching Natsu some of the members, well not some, literally everyone in Stray Kids.

"Okay so, You are biased with Yang Jeongin and your bias-wrecker is Hwang Hyunjin?" I nodded with every word he said.

"And you want to give them so much love and attention, that you'd do anything for them?" I nodded again with a pride smile.

"Yup, oh and I-" I was now.pushed onto the couch and pinned by two large hands.

"Have I forgot to mention that you should only love me-"

"B-but- mpf" a pair of lips crashed onto mines. Oh right, I cut him off.

"Darling, love me, not them. Understood?"

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