chapter four

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chapter four ;; say what now?

T h i r d  P O V

2nd Quarter exams had already finished, students are now happy, yet nervous of their scores in their test papers. Nevertheless, they're happy that they have survived.

Lucy would always manange the top of below 10, it was alright for her not be always on top.

Nothing happened the past few months, just normal things a student does. But in Lucy's case a lot has happened recently with her.

She'd alwayd glare at Natsu whenever he passes by, vice versa. They've been known as NaLu, but not in the loving way, the hard way.


It was already after school, and Lucy was fixing her bag. That was until she balcked out.


Lucy's eyes opened slowly, only to find 7 to 10 boys standing in front of her. She wanted to move but with the ropes tied on her ankle and wrist, she couldn't escape.

"Let me go!" She exclaimed and the boys just snickered. Out came an elbony-haired man, and she already knew who he was.

"What bullshit is this agin, Gray?" Lucy asked tiredly, trying to untie the ropes on her hand. Gray just smirked and combed his hair with his fingers.

"It's just that-"

"Shut up, Gray" A voice from the corner said and out came a pink haired boy which made Lucy watch him with surprise.

"Heyya Luigi, it's-" Natsu greeted and Lucy glared at him.

"It's Luigi, idiot!" Lucy butted and Natsu tutted. Walking closely to Lucy wuth a lit up cig in between his finger.

"cutting me off, princess?" Natsu smirked and patted her hair with his free hand.

"And why does that care to you? Huh, Drat-neel" Lucy taunted and Natsu just snickered, "You really know how to push my buttons don't you?" Natsu said and Lucy shivered at the tone he had used.

"Jus-just let me go!" Lucy pleaded and Natsu snickered, "I let you go, if" Natsu smirked as he tilted her head upwards with his free hand, "if you be my girlfriend" he continued.

Say what now?

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