chapter twenty-four

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chapter twenty-five ;; last day

L u c y  P O V

Today is my last day, it's still 7 in the morning and I'm tired. I snuggled and cuddled with the guy I'm laying the bed with. I love how his cologne smells, it was like a drug to me.

"Morning sweetheart" He kissed my forehead and sat up making me whine. He chuckled and started to pat my head.

"Go take a shower, we have a whole schedule before you leave" He said and rummaged in our closet.

I ran excitedly towards the bathroom and took a bath, I mean we're going to take a tour around this island.

—❁⸙ quick time skip

I was now dressed and ready for me and Natsu's date.

I linked my arms with his and widely smiled. He laughed at my behavior and I pouted.

"You better not disappoint me, this is our last date Mr. Natsu Dragneel" I glared at him and he saluted.

"Why would I disappoint my Princess? That'd be ashame of me" Natsu joked which made me blush, this dork...I'm gonna miss him. Just thinking about me leaving him makes me cry. I can't just leave the memories we made, especially in those days that were only about us, it was cute and I can't just simply forget about that.

Without noticing, a tear fell from my eye. Making Natsu panic, "Eh? We're not even at the good part, stop crying, you cry baby" Natsu cooed as he wiped my tears with his thumb, giving me a short peck on the lips then a peck on the forehead.

"Come on, let's go" Natsu laced his hands in mine as he smiled warmly. Today's my last day, I gotta enjoy it.

—❁⸙time skip

Me and Natsu were holding hands, walking on the beach, we kept talking and laughing on the way to our next destination.

We reached a hut where they sell jet skis. I gasped and looked at Natsu. He nodded reassuringly and I started jumping like a kid, I yanked him by the arm and dragged him to the hut.

"For an Hour or so" Natsu said as he gave the man money for our jet ski.

We're now riding the jet ski and we kept talking and laughing, I swear that I'll miss this conversations with Natsu.

N a t s u  P O V

I rode the jet ski inside a waterfall, of course our clothes were wet. We just went pass the water that was falling from above.

There wasn't much light in the cave or what you call it. So we used the jet ski's light.

"Wahh, it looks nice here!" She exclaimed I chuckled. God, Luce what have you done to me?

"You look better" I said and she blushed, I laughed and hugged her by the waist. I rested my head on the crook of her neck, I'll miss this girl.

"Shut up, by the way—why did you choose this place?" She asked and I remembered why.

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