Halfway There

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*Three Days Later*

Andy's P.O.V

I handed in my test after double checking my answers quickly. The professor nodded and took the test from my hand.

Just two more days Andy, just four more tests and you're out of here for the year.
I left the classroom as I chanted the small inspirational chant I had created in my head. I passed all the other students without crossing a single word with them.

I didn't have time for all of these people. All I wanted to do, was get this all over with so I could leave this school for the year.

Don't get me wrong, yay for learning! But it would be way more enjoyable with a more encouraging school system and people who actually wanted to be in the same room with me. People who actually were willing to socialize with different people and who weren't so quick to judge.

I wasn't being bullied or anything like that, those days were over, but since then I haven't been fully functunial in the social department.

With a loud sigh of relief I got into the driver seat of my truck and closed the door. Studying for exams was going to give me gray hair and I'm only 24.

I turned on the stereo and popped in a random album by Motley Crue. I turned the volume dial up and drove off into the street.

Just two more days, Andy. Just two more days.

When I got home I looked all over the apartment for Crow. I double checked I had turned off all of the candles and checked under the coffee table.

"Crow?" I called. "Where are you Crow?"
I heard a small meow coming from the bathroom and made my way over there. When I came in I saw that Crow was in the bathtub. A snort escaped my throat as I picked him up.

"What are you doing in here Crow? Kitties don't like water, silly." Crow purred as I put him on my chest.

This little kitty was probably the love of my life. He was the most adorable thing ever. I don't think I'll ever be able to love something as much as I loved Crow.

I heard a familiar song coming from the livingroom and realized it was my phone indicating someone was calling me. I ran towards the song and looked at my phone. Mom's caller ID flashed on the screen as I hit the answer button.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Hi sweetie. How have you been this week?" She asked. Random background noises could be heard behind mom's voice and I tried to pay attention to her.

"I'm not gonna lie mom, I've been pretty stressed out lately," I took a breath. "Exams are taking the life out of me."

I heard mom let out a sigh of concern. "Take a break. Why don't you come over and hang out for a while?"

I smiled. "I would love to mom but I have exams tomorrow and I want to study. Summer's almost here and we'll be able to hang out then okay?"

She sighed again. "Okay hon. But please do take care. I don't want you stressing over these things."

I smiled to myself at the sound of my mom worrying for her only son. I didn't like her worrying but it was these little things. They're the ones that keep you convinced that your family cares.

"And please don't stay up till God knows when in the morning drinking coffee and monsters, or smoking cigarettes!"

I gave her a small chuckle. "I promise not to stay up that long drinking coffee and monsters or smoking cigarettes. Okay?"

She sighed. "Okay."

"Later mom."


The line went dead and I threw the cellphone on the couch. I scratched Crow behind the ear and he purred moving around on my chest. I smiled down at him and kissed his nose.

I still had enough time to eat some dinner and then get to studying so I put Crow aside and went to the kitchen.

"What to cook..." I murmured to myself making sure I had oil in the pantry.

I looked quickly inside the freezer and found what I was looking for. Frozen chicken wings wedged in between a pound of ground beef and a whole chicken.

Using my hands and the help of a spoon, I was able to get the wings out and threw them in the sink to defrost.

I didn't know how to cook much but I knew enough to keep myself alive. Don't ask me to make you a turkey for Thanksgiving, but I can make some chicken wings or a spaghetti dinner.

I rummaged in the cupboards until I found a pan and placed it on the stove. Turning the knob to start the flames, I took the oil and set it aside waiting for the pan to heat up.

It didn't take too long for the wings to defrost and get cooked so when it was done, I took them and put them in a bowl. I had some hot wing sauce in the fridge so I pulled it out and drowned the wings.

Crow meowed from the door and I realized he must be hungry too.

"Want some tuna?" I turned to the drawer under the counter and looked around for a can of Crow's tuna.

When I found it I used a can opener to open the can and poured the tuna into Crow's bowl.

"Here's your food Crow," I slid the food towards Crow and he purred approvingly.

After admiring my favorite feline, I took a beer from the fridge and carried the wings to the livingroom.

Two more days Andy... just two more days.

Two more days until you meet Ash, you rock star little rock star, you.
Thanks for the reads guys! Please comment! I like reading comments. Don't be ghost readers.

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