But Im the Lesbian

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    What does this even mean?

    I tossed and turned in my bed all night until I finally decided there was no way I was getting any sleep at all tonight. So Ive been lost in my thoughts, staring at the ceiling and asking unanswerable questions.

    I sighed, standing up and shivering at the cold night air. All I had on was underwear and a loose jersey, which displayed the muscles in my arms perfectly. I walked over to my mirror and checked myself out a bit. My legs were strong and toned, my butt didnt even exist. I lifted my shirt a little to check the six pack Ive been working on, its coming along.

    I took the shirt off and my flat chest was covered by my favorite black sports bra. I grabbed some running pants, socks, and tennis shoes.

    If I cant sleep I might as well use this time for something right? Ill work out for a bit, go for a run and maybe by the time I get home Ill be able to fall asleep. I checked my watch. It read '12:37'. Ill work out til 1:00, run til 1:30 and be asleep by 2:00. Then I'll still get around seven hours of sleep before waking up in the morning.

    I need a plan. My fascination with time and time management has been the best and the worst of me. Without a plan Ill have panic attacks and freak, no idea what to do and what time I have to do it.

    I tiptoed through the house, being cautious not to wake anyone up. I reached the kitchen and I grabbed a bottle of water before continuing towards the back of the house where our workout room is.

   As I walked down the hall towards the 'gym', I saw the light was on and someine inside was blaring music. I started to walk away, until I heard the song that was playing.

'She wanted my heart,
Wanted my soul,
Wanted that loving
But I ain't tryna hold on to her heart
To see it fold.'

    Back to the Start by Somo. I knew exactly who was in the gym, because it was her favorite work out song.

    I smiled and entered the room, the music growing louder as I walked closer to my best friend. The galaxy shirt and tennis shoes gave her away entirely, and her tight black running shorts showed off her amazing ass. I was bicurious, yes, but I was not attracted to my best friend, I just knew how hot she was. There on the bench press was Jay Aliver. The Alphas daughter. She had the most toned and defined muscles I had ever seen on a woman. Her long dreads were pulled back by a band and sweat was running down her forehead.

    "Jay" I said trying to get her attention, she continued on muttering and lifting weights.

    "Jayyyy!" I said a little bit louder. She put the weights down, but still hadnt heard me. I walked over to her stereo and unplugged it.

    "Who the hell...oh Ally!!" she screamed.

    I hugged her and sat next to her on the bench. Leaning my head on her shoulder.

    "Want to spot me?" I asked.

    "Sure." she said, putting more weights on the metal bars and standing behind the bench. I laid on my back, and grabbed the bar tightly.

    "So, Fiona told me what happened at the store today..." Jay whispered after my first set. I picked the bar up again, ignoring her. By my next set, Jay leaned on the bar stopping me from starting again, "Al, tell me whats going on? I mean, if you think youre gay I can obviously help." she smirked as I glared at her.

    I laughed, unable to keep a straight face. Haha. I have a gay face.

    Anyway, I sat up and pulled Jay around to sit next to me again, "Shes my mate JayJay."

    "Holy sheet!" she jumped up and danced a little, "thats not fair! Im the lesbian you beetch!"

    I giggled at her before softly adding,"But shes rogue..."

    Jay's dancing stopped and her face suddenly fell.

    I scratched the back of my neck and grinned sheepishly at Jay.

    "Ally...theres no way."

    "Take it up with the moon goddess babe."

    "Oh, come on Allyson! Just. Like. Reject her! Or...something! You cant be with a rouge!"

    My mouth fell open in shock. Yes, I already rejected her, but I planned on making it up to her as soon as I could and taking my mate as mine.

    Jay knows just as well as every other wolf that being with your mate is literally the best feeling in the world. It is a gift from the gods. Once you meet your mate the only thing your wolf wants is to protect them and be close to them. Rejection from a mate has literally been known to kill.

    So, Jay is saying she would rather see me crazy depressed and suicidal from rejecting my mate than be with a rogue.

    I stood up and grabbed her by her arm, pushing her against the nearby wall, and punched her as hard as I could. She glared at me as her canines extended and she began to shift.

    "Jay stop it." she shifted back to her human form and breathed heavily, trying to calm down.

    Through a clenched jaw I spat," you are my best friend. Would you really rather see me dead than with a rogue? Goddamnit Jay. Think about what the hell you just said."

    I went to the back door of the gym, which exited the house. Ahead there was a trail that we ran during training sessions.

    Because I was angry, I decided to run off trail, in my wolf form.

    My canines extended and my eyes switched to yellow. Everything began changing,claws coming out, fur appearing, my vision and hearing becoming better and more clear. As I finished shifting I looked into the glass window of the gym. It was now dark inside, Jay evidently had gone back up to her room. The glass gave off a nice reflection of my black, aubern tinted fur. My yellow eyes glowed brightly in the dark.

    I took off running, hoping to reach the calming lake at the edge of our boundaries...

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