But You Shifted

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    When I woke up I was still in Lilac's room. We were cuddled up on her bed, her arms still surrounding me. I sat up, carefully detaching myself from my best friend.

    I glanced at her alarm clock. It read '1:17 AM'. I looked over at Lilac and kissed her forehead before creeping out of her room. I put on my oversized jacket and running shoes and left the house as quietly as I could. I took my time, thinking as I walked towards my tree by the lake.


    My beautiful mate Allyson.

    Her beautiful face wouldnt escape my mind, I kept seeing her eyes, bright yellow and holding so much emotion. Her dark skin and long black hair. Her muscles showing off evidently. She was so...so...perfect.

    I climbed up the tree with ease, having done this many nights over the years.

    I sat upon a branch high above the ground, but not so high I wouldnt be able to escape quick for some reason.

    I finally felt at ease. The depressing thoughts of rejection escaping my mind. I was a dissappointment to my brother, but I let the thought fade away. I relaxed my head against the trunk and closed my eyes, breathing in the woods and breathing out peace amd tranquility.

    Until, all of the sudden I felt sick, just as I did this morning. Like something was pulling me towards the forest floors below. I felt very tense and afraid. Something was down there.

    I scanned the woods looking for any signs of human or wolf.

    I picked up a familiar and beautiful scent.

    Then she came into sight in the edge of the lake, but in her wolf form. Her dark fur looked so soft but her structure was strong and mighty. I watched as she looked around, probably picking up my scent as well.

    Then, she shifted into her human form.

    I bit my lip as I gazed upon her bare body. She had subtle curves and beautiful hips. I couldnt keep my eyes off her chest. I was so engorged with her body, I hadnt noticed I had been edging myself across the branch to get a closer look.

    I heard a snap and then the world was moving upward quickly, while I was falling down.

    I landed in soft and strong arms, and my face directly against her....

    "Ah!" I gasped and tried to jump out of her arms, but she held on tight. I looked up into her beautiful eyes, which were green but I saw changing to yellow when we made eye contact, I also knew my own eyes were changing to my wolves purple.

    Her face held a huge smirk. She put me down but pulled me closer against her bare body, and since she was 7 inches taller than me, you can guess around where my face fell...

    I gasped and my face reddened intensly,"A A Allyson..." I whispered.

    "Problem, beautiful?" she whispered in my ear, her breath falling across my neck. I bit my lip and took a step back, looking away the best I could.

    My whole body was on fire. She knew eactly what she was doing to me too.

    "D do you w w want my jacket?"

    "Would that make you more comfortable," she lifted my chin to look her in the eye, "mate?" I shuddered and got lost in her eyes. She raised her eyebrow and smirked again. My cheeks reddened as I looked away again, taking my jacket off and giving it to her.

    When I looked back up she was wearing my jacket, which covered all the private parts, if you catch my drift. I looked at her legs again, and then slowly scanned up her body until I met her eyes. She had seen me check her out, and she laughed at me before winking, taking my hand and walking towards the lake.

A/N: oh eM GEE! I LOVED WRITING THIS CHAPTER! Okay sorry continue reading now lol.


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