But It Was Hot

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    She crossed her arms, huffed and started walking towards the door. Worridly, I ran around the bed and right behind her. I wrapped my arms around her and kissed her neck.

    "Why are you mad at me?" I asked gently. She was silent. "Rose?" I asked, turning her in my arms. She looked down, then to the left, up, and finally in my eyes. She blushed, but then huffed angrily and looked down again.

    I moved my head down so she was looking at me again, "Rose, Im sorry for being a tease..." I bit my lip to stop from laughing. She was mad at me for not going all the way! "I want our first time to be special."

    She blushed heavily again before sighing and smiling up into my eyes,"T That was m mean." she stuttered. Did I really make her that nervous?

    "But it was hot." I smirked and she blushed yet again.

    I smiled and kissed her lovingly on the lips. She was smiling into the kiss and my heart skipped a beat. I cant remember the last time I was this happy, but this moment, right now. This is one of those moments I will remember when I am old and grey. This is one of those moments I will tell my kids about. This is a moment I will treasure and cherish all the years of my life, because, in this moment, with my girl in my arms, everything is perfect.
    I opened my door and looked as far down the hallway to the left as I could, before turning and looking as far down to the right as I could. When I saw the coast was clear, I tiptoed out of the room and motioned Rose to follow me. We walked quickly and quietly down the hall towards the stairs.

    I grabbed her hand and she walked behind me, her head bowed as she chewed on her lip. Scared of getting caught by my pack members, I assumed.

    Once I got to the stairs, I looked down and saw that Jay and Fiona were sitting in the living room,  which sat adjacent to the stairs. Jay began to sniff the air, most likely catching Rosalina's scent.

    I cursed under my breath and Rose gave me a nervous look. After kissing her forehead, I sighed and began to walk down the steps, taking a very worried looking Rose with me.

    Jay saw me and looked at me with apologetic eyes, at least, until she saw Rose. Her eyes were wide and her eyebrows raised. Her eyes looked to me, back to Rose, to our hands, and then to me again.

    "Jay," I began, worried she would explode because not only was my mate a rouge but she was in the house, but Jay stopped me quickly.

    A slow smile sprawled across her face, a smile that reached her eyes. She ran towards both of us and pulled us into a tight group hug,"Al! You didnt tell me she was so cute!"

    I smiled and pried Jay off of us. Rosa gave me a thankful look before stepping behind me and burrying her head into my back. Awwwww shes so shy.

    I turned around and smiled reassuringly, taking her hand in mine. She gave me a small smile and turned to face Jay, who had changed her entire attitude about the situation. I decided I would ask her later what had changed her mind. For now, I just wanted to be happy.

    Fiona had observed the scene, but then she walked up and grabbed Rosalina's free hand,"Nice to see you again sweetie." and then she whispered something into Rose's ear that made her blush. Fiona pat Rose's hand before walking away. I gave her a look, concerned with whatever Fiona had said. But Rose just smiled bashfully and looked back to Jay.

    "Well I feel left out." Jay added jokingly. We all laughed, and I smiled at Rose's adorable giggle.

    "Jay, Id like you to meet my mate...," I stood behind Rose and wrapped my arms around her, making her giggle again,"...Rosalina."
    I opened the passenger side door of my truck to Rose and lifted her up into the seat, since I figured she was too short to climb in on her own. She just blushed furiously and buckled herself in. I walked around to my side and slide into the drivers seat.

    I looked over to her and pretended to pout. She gave me a funny look and asked,"W Whats wrong?"

    "Youre too far away." I whimpered.

    She blushed and rolled her eyes, unbuckling her seatbelt and giving me a look. I gave her my best puppy dog eyes, which made her laugh as she moved over to the middle seat and buckled herself in there. I wrapped my arm around her and she laid her head against my shoulder. I smiled brightly and began driving to my favorite place in the world, so I could share it with my favorite person.

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