But You're Beautiful

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    She drove me deep into the woods, up winding, small roads. Multiple times, I thought we were running straight into a tree, but at the last second the road bent and Ally followed the path as she laughed at me for getting scared.

    I stayed in the middle seat, cuddled up to my mate, and decided to use this time for reflection.

    Two days ago, I hated and despised everyone in packs. I know based on her original comment that two days ago Ally hated rogues as well. Two days ago, I said maybe three sentences a day, now Im talking more than I have in my entire life. Ally listens to me. She makes me feel loved. How is it possible for us to be this far in love when Ive only known her for two days?

    I looked back up to Allyson who was smiling as she drove off to wherever she was taking us. Did I love her? I mean sure, shes my mate, and yes the attraction is huge. My wolf loves her wolf. But what about her?

    I felt the car stop and gasped when I looked up. We were ontop of a cliff, overlooking the forest and beyond that the city. You could see a waterfall emtying into a pool of water below. Nature surrounded us, birds sang, flowers bloomed, and the sun was just peeking above the trees. Everything was glowing.

    "This...is so...beautiful." I whispered my eyes wide.

    "Yeah..." Ally started, and I turned to face her, but she had already been looking at me,"...you are beautiful."

    It was then, in that moment, that I knew I did love her. The moon goddess chose Allyson as my mate for a reason. And now here we are, lucky we met eachother at such a young age, lucky we get to fall in love so soon, and lucky we get to spend the rest of our lives by eachothers side.

    I gained some courage and reached up to her, pulling her face towards mine and kissing her slowly, gently. She shared something so beautiful with me. She thought I was beautiful, and she made me feel like I really was. She kissed back, unbuckling our seatbelts and readjusting us so we were laying in the seat of her truck. I disconnected our lips and got a mischivous grin. I put my face close to her ear, just as she did to me,and whispered,"Its my turn."

    I kissed her neck up her jaw, attacking her lips. I ran my hands up and down her body, obviously making her go crazy. I left her lips and she was gasping for breath, her hands moved to work my hips so we were grinding against eachother. I smacked her hands away and stopped moving.

    I sat back and smirked at her shocked expression. But, her face then darkened. Evidently I had pushed my luck. Her eyes filled with lust as they brightened to her wolfs yellow color...
A/N: im sorry its so short. Thanks for 200 reads. Im gunna start writing another story so go check it out

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