Chapter 3

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Alex sat on the hood of her car Friday morning before school, re-reading her paper that was due in first period. She noticed Servando walking towards her out of the corner of her eye. She smiled, happy to see a friendly face after all the glares she'd been given by the female population by just agreeing to go out with Tobin.

"Don't tell me you're actually gonna go out with Tobin Heath." Her smile faltered.

"Well hello, Serv, it's nice to see you too," she replied sarcastically.

"I won't let you go out with her." He crossed his arms and gave her a stern look.

"Oh I'm sorry, and when did you become in charge of my life?" she asked, crossing her arms as well. "You don't decide who I go out with Servando." Alex hopped off her car and slammed her paper into her bag. She then stalked her way into the building, the boy hot on her tail.

"Tobin Heath is a player, Alex. She doesn't care about anyone but herself. You need to be with someone who will amount to something!"

"Let me guess, that person is you?" she asked, stopping so suddenly that Servando almost ran into her. Alex looked up at him, her face showing signs of exhaustion. "I like you Servando, I really do..."

"I really like you too," he cut in quickly.

"...But if this friendship is going to work, you have to let me make decisions for myself." His face fell at the word 'friendship' but he nodded anyway.

"Alex!" Tobin called from down the hall. The girl was standing next to her best friend and waving in the most adorable way. She had a large grin on her face; a genuine one.

"I'll see you around?" she asked the boy. He put on a fake smile.

"Yeah." Alex then walked over to the two girls.

"Hey," Alex greeted. Tobin looked at Hope expectantly. The taller huffed, rolling her eyes and walking off. Tobin grinned again.

"So are you as excited as I am about this date?" she asked casually, leaning up against the lockers looking as cool as ever.

"You're excited?" Alex asked, very surprised that the badass would even admit this.

"Of course," Tobin smiled. "I get to take out the most beautiful girl in school. Why wouldn't I be?" The soccer player blushed, turning her head. She knew that the other girl had probably planned out this conversation in her head, but that didn't stop her face from reddening.

"Whatever," she waved off.

"I mean it." Tobin's brown eyes looked so sincere that Alex didn't want to believe anything else. All she could do is smile. "Can I walk you to class?" The soccer player nodded, smiling again when Tobin took her books from her for the second time.

"So where are we going tonight?"

"I'm not telling," the badass sang. She laughed when the soccer player huffed, much like Hope had done moments ago. Tobin made the mistake of looking over and saw that Alex had a puppy dog face. She briefly got lost in her blue eyes. She almost caved.


"That's not gonna work." She tore her eyes away from the girl's face, afraid what would happen if she looked any longer.

"Fine. Don't tell me. I guess someone won't be getting a kiss at the end of the night." Tobin stopped dead in her tracks, in a daze. Did she just hear what she think she just heard? "Are you coming, Tobin? I'd prefer not to be late to class..." the badass jogged to catch up the with the girl.

The two reached Alex's classroom a few minutes before the bell. Tobin handed Alex her books back outside the door.

"So I'll see you fourth period."

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