Chapter 9

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"Guys this can't be right," Lauren frowned as they pulled to the address that had received from the school. "There is no way that this is Alex's house."

The place looked completely vacant and like no one had lived in it for years. The grass looked terrible, the garden hadn't been tended to, and most importantly it just didn't look like a place that Alex even could live in or anyone for that matter.

"Yeah they must have gotten the address wrong," Sydney agreed.

"Has anyone been able to get in touch with Alex?"

The group murmured that they hadn't.

"This is like the tenth time I've tried to call her this weekend. It's gone straight to voicemail every time," Ashlyn said.

"I hope she's okay," Ali said in response.

"Has anyone tried Kelley?" Kristie asked.

"She's gone MIA too," HAO answered.

"Well when's the last time anyone saw them?" Lauren was quite frustrated now.

"After the game with Tobin and Hope..."

Everyone turned their attention to Amy who had been quiet until now.

"She's right. Look at this picture on Instagram." Ashlyn passed her iPhone around so people could see.

Its clear that Kelley is the one that took the picture because a sliver of her arm looks like its trying to escape the frame. She's grinning widely, on the back of Hope who's smirking into the camera. Alex can be seen in the background with the arm of Tobin slung around her shoulder. The forward was doing a duck face while the other girl actually showed a genuine smile.

"They are going to get an earful when they get back!"


Kelley and Alex did, in fact, get an earful from Lauren and the rest of the team. Basically the whole speech was about the two running off without telling anyone, leaving everyone worried sick. And then of course Alex got a happy belated birthday.

"Wait what did you say?" Alex asked.

"I said we tried to stop by your house, you know to wish you happy birthday and everything, but we think the address we got from the school was wrong."

The forward started to panic on the inside. No one was supposed to know where she lived and quite frankly she was upset with the school for giving out personal information like that. But the thing was, not even Kelley knew where she lived. Kelley thought she knew where she lived, but the house she told to her to drop her off at wasn't even hers.

The house was actually down the street and around the corner from where she actually lived. It looked like a place where Alex was supposed to live. With fresh cut grass, a beautiful garden, and a lovely welcome mat by the front door.

It was the type of house that Alex Morgan was expected to live in.

"Oh," was all she could say.

"Yeah the house we went to was some abandoned place that couldn't have been your house. Then we just gave up all together when we saw Kelley's picture on Instagram," HAO shrugged.

"Speaking of which...are you and Tobin like girlfriend and girlfriend?" Christen asked.

"Yeah we are."

Alex could tell that they had mixed opinions about her being in a relationship with Tobin, but they kept their thoughts to themselves. More specifically, it was Lauren who looked conflicted and like she wanted to say something.

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