Chapter 15

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They kissed slowly and passionately, not in any particular rush to end their kiss. Alex's hands slid from her girlfriend's face to tangling themselves in her light brown hair. She slowly leaned back, pulling the other girl with her. Tobin used one arm for leverage while simultaneously cupping the forward's face.

"Say it again?" she asked. Alex smiled up at her girlfriend adoringly.

"I love you."

Tobin rolled off of her girlfriend and sighed happily. Alex snuggled into her side, throwing an arm over her stomach. The two sat in silence for a bit, taking in their recent confessions. Neither one could believe how lucky they got. Tobin because she had found someone who had faith that she could be a better person and loved her, even with knowledge about her past. Alex because she found someone who she felt truly respected her and made her feel like she was the only girl in the world.

"Promise me you won't get into anymore fights?" Tobin was reluctant to answer and Alex felt her hesitation. "I love that you want to be my knight in shining armor, but I don't want to make it a habit of me playing the part of your nurse."

She sat up, so Tobin did too.

Tobin didn't want to say yes to that, because she was going to make it her job to defend Alex's honor, but she also lived to please Alex. And since it was obvious that this was something that was important to her girlfriend, she would have to let her pride take a few blows. She also saw the look on the forward's face, so there was no way she could say no anyway.

"I promise," she finally conceded.

"Good. And another thing: how dare you say that you can take care of yourself? We're in this together. Just like its your responsibility to keep me safe, its my responsibility to keep you safe as well."

Tobin felt stupid for saying that now. It's not that she didn't think they were in this together, its just that she always saw herself as the protector, so there was no need for Alex to worry. She felt if the forward was worrying then she wasn't doing her job. But she now realized that by getting into fights, that all she was doing; worrying Alex. She didn't want to worry Alex.

"I'm sorry." The forward smiled.

"I know Toby."

"I love you."

"Really? You've only said like 20 times it the last 15 minutes," Alex joked.

"That's because I meant it."

Tobin could tell that Alex was worn out and on the verge of falling to sleep any minute so she grabbed her and pulled her back down.

"Go on to sleep. I'll be here when you wake up," she promised.

Alex rolled onto her side, resting her head on her pillow. She felt Tobin's arm slip around her waist and her fingers intertwine with her own. The forward then felt her girlfriend press her lips against the back of her neck, which caused goosebumps to rise and a shiver to go down her spine.

"I love you," Tobin whispered in her ear.

"I love you too."

Both went to sleep with smiles on their face. Both felt happier than they had ever been in their entire lives. Both got the most restful sleep of their lives.


A love sick puppy.

That is the only way that Hope could describe her once badass friend.

Alex and Tobin were making goofy faces back and forth at each other and were feeding each other pieces of their omelets. She watched as her best friend did almost anything and everything to make her girlfriend laugh.

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