Chapter 6

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"Alex?" Tobin asked while the soccer player was cleaning her cuts. She was sitting on counter in her bathroom while Alex stood in between her legs.

The badass had invited the soccer player to her apartment since the girl didn't want to go home or back to the party. Alex noticed that Tobin was bleeding or at least had been, and insisted on taking care of her.

"Yes?" she asked back, not taking her eyes off of the wound. Tobin wondered if Alex knew how close her face was to hers. Their noses were maybe six inches apart.

"Could you maybe not tell anyone..." Alex stopped dabbing the cut on her forehead and gave her a confused look. "About, you know, the park..."

"About how you cried?" the forward joked. Tobin scoffed.

"My eyes were sweating," she argued.

"Uh huh," Alex giggled. Tobin felt a strange feeling in her chest seeing Alex smile. Maybe it was pride in herself for bringing a smile to the girl's face. She wanted to see it again that was for sure. And again. "I won't tell anyone."

"You better not. It'll ruin my badass reputation and we can't have that." The soccer player went back to tending to Tobin's forehead. The badass winced as the alcohol got into it.

"Sorry," the forward whispered. When she was done, she moved badass' face around to check for anymore scratches. Tobin looked at Alex in amusement.

"I think I'm good now mom," Tobin said, pulling the girl's hands away from her face, but not letting go once she did. "Thanks for fixing me up." Alex looked down, finding her shoes very interesting. Not liking the fact that she couldn't see her blue eyes anymore, she lifted Alex's chin with her thumb and index finger. She stared the girl down til she looked at her.

"Just don't get into anymore fights. I'm not certified at this, you know." Tobin smiled. "Thanks for standing up for me by the way. No one's ever done that for me before." The badass frowned.

"They should have. If I were them, I would have jumped at the opportunity," she said sincerely. This time the forward smiled.

Tobin hopped down off the counter and unintentionally pressed her body against Alex's. The soccer player blushed a deep red. The look that Tobin was giving her gave her a weird feeling. Tobin placed her hands on Alex's hips and slowly backed her up so she had more room to move. For a split second her eyes dropped from Alex's own to her lips. Mentally shaking her head, she stepped past the girl and walked through the door back into her bedroom.

She came back moments later with a pair of sweatpants, a t-shirt, a pair of underwear, and some towels.

"You can uh, wear these. I haven't worn the underwear I promise. I don't even know how I got them honestly. I think maybe my sister got me like a whole package or something. Anyways um...they should fit you," Tobin rambled, frowning afterward at how dumb she sounded. Alex accepted the items with a smile then closed the door.


Hope walked into the apartment about five minutes after Alex had entered the shower. Tobin came into the living room and greeted her. But the taller girl was confused. If Tobin was in here, then who was in the shower.

"Is who I think it is in there?" she asked, a wicked smile slowly forming on her face.

"Depends. Who do you think it is?" Tobin replied sarcastically.

"My little girl is growing up..." Hope wiped away a fake tear.

"Shut up, dude. She's been through a lot tonight and she didn't want to go home, alright?" The shorter girl explained, plopping down on the recliner in the living room.

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