Chapter 7

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When Alex got home from school on Monday, it was clear to her that her father was high. His eyes were blood shot and he didn't seem to know where he was. Empty beer bottles were scattered around him as well. She had seen him messed up a few times, but this had to be by far the worst.


"Yes, dad?" she asked, cautiously moving through the living room almost afraid that if she made a sudden movement, he would go off.

"That's a couch right?" Michael asked, pointing to the piece of furniture that was across the room. Alex wasn't even sure if his eyes were open or not, he was squinting so much.


"And I can understand why they call it a couch," he nodded. "But this shit right here..." he said, gesturing to the love seat that was adjacent to his recliner, "...this is love seat! I can't even sit on this is I ain't in love, what kind of shit is that?"

Alex didn't know if she wanted to laugh or cry, or maybe she would do both later. She wished that she had the courage to talk to her father. To ask him to stop problem drinking and doing drugs. Or maybe to ask him to see a counselor- something to keep him from going further down this path.

But she was scared. What if someone saw him there and they made Alex move into a new home or something? Sure she was turning 18 in a week, but living with her parents, more recently just with her dad, is the only thing she's ever known.

Her father had fallen asleep but she still made his dinner. She made sure to leave a little more than she usually does, cause every time he's coming down from his high, he eats everything in the house. Alex made a mental note to go to the store later as well.


Alex walked out of her mother's hospital room at about 9:30 when the older woman had finally fallen asleep from her meds. She felt much better after talking to her, even if they didn't even talk about anything important.

She did her best not to mention the home situation, cause Alex's well being should have been the least of her worries. They mainly talked about soccer, school, and surprisingly, Tobin.

It wasn't even Alex that had brought up Tobin, it was her mother. She asked her about 'that one girl' who was giving her a hard time and if their relationship was better. All Alex could say was yes, their relationship was better. That was the best she could come up with. It wasn't exactly a lie

"Hey!" The forward looked up from the tiles and saw Tobin's older sister and another woman with her who looked similar to her. "Um...Alex right?"

"Yeah, and you're Perry, Tobin's sister," she said. The woman smiled brightly and pulled her into a hug.

"It's good to see you! This is Katie, she's the oldest out of all of us," Perry said. The other woman, Katie, pulled Alex into a hug as well. Alex wondered if all the Heath's were touchy-feely like these two. "This is Alex Morgan, the one I was telling you about that was dating Tobin."

"I remember," Katie said. "So uh, how did you manage to date Tobin?" The soccer player frowned. "What I mean by that is, from what I've heard, our little sister doesn't really have the best reputation and hasn't really been interested in anyone until recently..."

"I mean, we've only been on one date, but...Well your sister is very persistent," Alex chuckled. "She asked me out for weeks before I finally said yes."

"Katie, you should see it. Tobin gets so uncomfortable and nervous when I bring her up! And I'm glad she did ask you out cause you are just adorable!" Perry cooed. Alex blushed.

"As am I," Katie agreed. "We needed someone to get to Tobin and get her back in control." Perry nodded.

"So what are you two doing here?" Alex asks.

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