Chapter 18

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Alex and Tobin held on to each other long after the rain had stopped. Both of them felt high on love and didn't want to come down any time soon. Dawn was fast approaching and even the sweetest of nights must come to an end. Tobin shivered, pulling Alex closer and kissing her forehead.

"I love you."

"I love you too baby," the forward said back in her raspy voice that Tobin had always thought was sexy.

They stayed on that secluded beach longer than they should have dared, but neither wanted to move from their positions. They wanted to just lay there and just forget the world. Life didn't work like that though. School was in a few hours and if they didn't get back soon, Hope and Kelley would send a man hunt after them.

The journey back to their apartment was a silent one, but it was a comfortable silence. They felt forever changed. As Tobin drove home, they two held hands the whole time, wanting to stay connected in any way possible.

When they walked into their apartment, Hope and Kelley were still on the couch, wrapped into each others. A trace of tall brunette's infamous smirk was visible, but there was a hint of the most sublime of smiles...on both of their faces.

Tobin and Alex tiptoed quietly so as to not awaken the sleeping couple and retreated to the safety and sanctity of their bedroom, hand in hand. Two bodies, one soul.


"They had sex right? Like they've totally done it. Am I the only one who thinks this?" Sydney asked.

"Oh yeah they definitely have," Christen agreed. "More than once, that's for sure."

"For hours at a time," Heather added.

"You guys know we can hear you right?" Alex said from Tobin's side.

"Yeah I mean seriously," Tobin agreed.

"They can speak!" HAO exclaimed, earning a glare from the couple.

"I'm seriously shocked to hear that," Lauren commented. "You two are also so absorbed in each other, and you are always oblivious to everything around you."

"That's not true," the forward scoffed.

Everyone else at the table gave each other knowing looks.

"Yeah okay whatever you say love birds."

Abby walked up to their table, and everyone got silent. None of them had ever seen their captain looking this serious.

"I hope everyone knows how important this game is tonight. We've made it to playoffs and we are hosting. Does anyone know how many people are expected to show?" There was maybe five seconds of silence and then she continued. "7500 ladies."

"Holy shit," Megan muttered.

"For bleachers that only hold ten thousand, I'd say that's a pretty good turn out. For a soccer game and even for a girls soccer game at that. Now, I'm not saying this to make anyone nervous, I'm saying this to help you focus and to encourage you to give your all."

The five eleven forward and captain walked off after that. It was just now setting in how important this game actually is. Yeah they were expected to win and beat the team who was in a whole other conference, but it didn't mean the game should be taken lightly.

Tobin literally felt the change in her girlfriend. She sensed Alex's stress level increase and her urgency increase. That only meant that now Tobin would be high strung as well because it stressed her out to see her girlfriend stressed.

This also meant that their intimacy would be kicked down a level until right before the game when Tobin would wish the forward good luck.


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