Chapter 17

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"Sometimes your nearness takes my breath away and all the things I want to say I can find no voice. Then, I can only hope my eyes can speak for my heart."

Alex gets ready to speak, but Tobin motions for her to wait. If she keeps this in much longer, she just might explode. She is hit with the full weight of the love and need for her girlfriend. Everything that is precious to her is right in front of her.

"Alex I don't know how I got so lucky with you, but I will not question it. I don't ever want to be apart from you again. You're my world, Alex. I don't know who I was before you and I may still not even know who I am now. But I do know who I want to be. I want to be someone that makes you smile and laugh and who gets the opportunity to love you and be loved by you."

The whole time she spoke, her eyes stayed on the forward's. She stumbled a little in her sentences, but her eyes showed nothing but sincerity.

Alex on the other hand didn't know what to do or say. Tobin never failed to amaze her. She couldn't even begin to describe how she felt. Her heart was starting to race almost as fast as it had last night and that was saying something.

She brought her hand up to cup her girlfriend's face.

"You're amazing Tobin, you know that?"

"Nah babe, you're the amazing one. You're perfect."

"I think you're perfect too." Tobin gave her a look that said 'yeah right.' She could do a venn diagram of the two the only things that they would have in common are the facts that they go to the same school and they were both white. Alex would have intelligence, beauty, and all around perfectness on her side, and all Tobin would have is the ability to screw up. "I'm serious Toby."

"Why? How? How can I be amazing?"

"Well you love me and I think that is pretty amazing," Alex said matter of factly.

"Alex, you're easy to love. Anyone who has never met you or even seen you would fall in love with yo-"

"And you're perfect because you're sweet and caring and funny. Plus you've got those sexy abs going for you," the forward added, poking Tobin in her stomach, who in return let out a chuckle.

They sat there smiling at each other for a few moments, then Tobin went to inspecting Alex's body, or the part she could see and that wasn't covered up anyway. She noticed a few purple spots along her neck and shoulders, but other than that her skin didn't have any flaws.

"You're perfect for me," Alex concluded. Tobin leaned in so their noses were touching.

"And you're perfect for me too. I don't want anyone else, but you loving me." Not even a moment after their lips were on top of each others'. They tried to get as close as possible to each other without pulling the covers off of them because it was freezing in their bedroom.


They didn't end up making it to school until a period right before lunch. Rounds two and three ended up lasting a lot longer than both of them had anticipated. Not that either them were complaining. Still though, after that Alex had so do something to cover up the massive hickeys Tobin had given her.

She was glowing.

That was the first thing Kelley noticed when she saw her best friend. Her first guess still would have been that they had sex, even though she already knew that they did. There was an undeniable difference in the two. Yet in some ways, most ways she should say, they hadn't really changed at all. The defender saw everything from the lingering touches to the backwards glance Alex sent back at Tobin.

One would think that with the two being together all morning that their need would have decreased a little, but it only intensified. That was definitely displayed at lunch when their lips didn't disconnect for a whole ten minutes.

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