Chapter 10

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"Tobin I need to tell you something," Alex said as they waited for the bell to ring to let them inside the building. The soccer player was sitting on the trunk of her car while Tobin stood between her legs, just holding on to her.

"I don't know much about relationships, but I'm pretty sure that's a bad sign," the girl joked, but seriously hoping that she didn't have anything to worry about.

"No it's not bad or anything," the forward reassured. "It's that just something happened a couple days ago- well last week actually- and I thought I should tell you." Tobin pulled back a little, but kept her hands connected to Alex's hips.

"Well what happened?" she asked. The soccer player hesitated to speak and Tobin noticed. "Babe, you can tell me anything. I want you to know that...I want you to trust me, Alex."

"Some of my classmates just said that if I didn't put out soon, you would ditch me," she said quietly, looking away.

"Who were they?" The girl's jaw clenched and she balled one of her fists. She looked around the courtyard searching for any possible suspects.

"Please don't be upset..." When she heard Alex's voice, Tobin's facial expression softened.

"Why didn't you tell me sooner?" she asked. She took her thumb and pointer finger and turned Alex's head to face her.

"I don't know. I was being stupid I guess," Alex admitted, sighing.

"Hey, you're not stupid," she said. "But I've changed Alex. I'm not that person anymore."

"And I know that," the forward said quickly. "Please just forget I said anything." Tobin's phone vibrated against the trunk of Alex's car, bringing their attention to it. Tobin saw who's name popped up on the screen and she immediately frowned.

"You're not going to answer that?" her girlfriend asked, confused.

"It's my mother," she said coldly. Alex instantly understood, grabbing Tobin's hand.

"You should answer it," she suggested. Her girlfriend scoffed at the idea. Cindy was the last person she wanted to talk to. And she already knew what the conversation was going to be about anyway. Her mother was going to ask her if she could come over so they could 'talk'.

"I really don't want to talk to her, Lex."

"You and your mother need to settle your differences," Alex told her. "Answer the phone." Tobin began to protest, but she stopped herself when her girlfriend gave her a pointed look.

She picked up her cellular device and pressed 'answer'



"Why must you always call me before school starts? Don't you want your beloved daughter to have an education?"

"You really expect me to believe that you are actually going to school?" her mother scoffed.

"Would I lie to you, Cindy? Now let's get straight to the point. We both know why you called," Tobin said. Alex took her hand and ran it up and down her girlfriend's arm. She had hopped off her trunk and watched Tobin, who was now wandering around in circles, but was still near her car.

She hated seeing Tobin so angry and flustered.

"We need to talk, Tobin; face to face. Come by to the house."

"We are talking right now. Why would I come over?"

"Just hear what we have to say and quit being difficult. We'll talk for 30 minutes, maybe not even that long, and then you won't hear from me again, I promise."

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