Chapter 11

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Training was hard for Mac that day. She didn’t want to admit it, but fighting Gage was hard and worked her to exhaustion. She wasn’t use to her opponents actually putting up a real fight. Yes if she did actually use any part of her actual strength the fight wouldn’t of lasted that long. But what would be the fun of that?

“Come on push it.” She shouts behind her. They are running around the border of her land. The newbies behind her taking to long for her liking. “You can do better than this, come on.” Mac says.

“Why are we running?” Brad asks through pants.

“Stamina, able to run from a fight you can’t win, and it is good for you.” Mac says. “Now stop talking and start running.”

They end running an hour later than Mac had planned, but she didn’t have anything planned for herself until later that night.

She trained them the basic fighting moves, Chloe was a lot slower than what she was use to but she was going to fix that.

“Alright class dismissed.” Mac says to the three. “Chloe can you stay for a second.” She could see Collin near the pack house in his truck.

“It's because I suck isn’t it.” Chloe says.

“Look you are new with no training, it isn’t surprising. Brad and Susie were rogues of course they had some training. I was just thinking why don’t we have some more one on one session this week to catch you up to their level.” Mac says.

“That would be great.” Chloe says.

“How about instead of gym class we go and train so it doesn’t take up too much of the day.” Mac says. Chloe agrees leaving Mac to herself in the field.

I’m going for a run. Mac thinks to Jason.

But what about the housing plans.

Because they keep getting new members they decided it was best to yet again rebuild and add more rooms.

You dealt with it last time anyways, please War is really looking for a run, then Vamp wants to hunt tonight. I need some me time. Mac pleads.

Fine. Be careful.

The run was nice letting her stress go, but she was ready for the hunt. She let Vamp have complete control. Vamp knew to only attack animals or something that attacked her first so Mac didn’t need to worry. All that Mac was able to control was being able to see giant blurs and smell the things around her. If Vamp got to out of control and attack a human or something Mac would be able to take control again.

“Come here little deer.” Vamp says, stalking towards the brown fur eating the grass below. She is far into the forest having chased this deer for the last hour. The crescent moon was high above her head and she had hours more of hunting time. She already took down three other deer but this one was fast. She didn’t need the blood, but she did enjoy the hunt.

She doesn’t make a sound coming towards it, almost like she is floating. “I will get you.” Vamp says, she is about two feet from it getting closer, slowly. She hears a twig break on the side of her, the deer running off. “Shit.” Vamp says. She is about to run off when a giant brown wolf tackles her to the ground. She shoves her legs into its stomach causing it to fly into the nearest tree knocking it out. She stands up walking towards it, making sure she didn’t kill it. It was part of a pack and one of her rules is no killing pack members unless absolutely necessary. Mac and her rules, how they take the fun out of the hunt.

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