Chapter Two: Warnings

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Peace. Love. Anime.


Chapter Two: Warnings

“I can’t believe it’s been a week since school started. It went by pretty fast,” Emily told James as they sat across from each other on Monday night.


“You don’t agree?” Emily tilted her head, causing her silky black hair to fall into her face.

“It was fine… if you delete Emma.”

Emily smirked, “And if I don’t?”

“You suck.”

“Nice way to talk to a girl.”

“I find that remark sexist, Scorpius,” Emily replied, looking right past James.

James turned in his seat, “Hey, Scorp. Long time, no see.”

“Pfft, yeah. Long time, no see, for two hours.”

“Two hours is a long time,” James defended himself.

“I’d have to disagree. It usually depends on what you’re doing. Especially if you’re in class.”

Emily asked, “Since when do you have a two hour class, Trin?”

Trinity sighed, “I don’t. Or, well, not yet, anyways.” Trinity looked around to make sure there was no one within ear shot. “I heard this from a few seventh years,” she said, lowering her voice drastically. “In the Forbidden Forest, there’s something dangerous.”

“Well no bloody duh!” James exclaimed. A few seconds later, he grabbed the back his head, shouting, “OW!” He glared at Emily, “Why?”

“She’s means something menacing than what’s already in there!” Emily turned back to Trinity, “What did you hear after that?”

Trinity frowned, “They didn’t finish their conversation because they saw me watching them.”

“Nice way to be discreet,” James muttered.

“Anyways,” Trinity finished glaring at James, “from what I heard, it sounded like a maze or dungeon of some sort.”

“A maze?” James asked.

“In the Forbidden Forest?” Scorpius looked around, also to see if anyone was listening.

“Or a dungeon…”

“Are you sure, Trinity?”

“Yes!” Trinity looked almost frantic. “Why? Are you doubting me? I would never lie about something like this!”

James reached across the circular table and thumped her arm, “We know, Trin.”

She nodded and averted her eyes to the table.

After several minutes of silence, Emily’s fists met the table, startling everyone but her. They all stared at her. She had a look of determination in her eyes, a smirk on her lips. “Well, what are we waiting for? Let’s figure this out!”

The rest of the group continued to stare at her.


“You’ve never been so… determined before.”

Trinity shook her head, “Liar! She has been before!”

“When?” Scorpius asked.

“On homework!”

They all laughed (excluding Emily).

“That’s not-!” But Emily’s finished was never finished because a strange rumbling began. “What the-?”

“An earthquake-?”

The ground rumbled, the lights flickered.

“Bloody he-!”

“What’s happening?”

“I don’t know!”

“Ow! My arm-!”

“Are you okay?”

“Ouch! That was my foot!” James exclaimed.

“Shut it, you stupid git!”

 “That didn’t sound like it hurt.”


“Broken, I think.”

“That’s not good.”

“This early into the year, too…”

“How can you have a normal conversation when the ground is still moving?!”

Chapter Playlist:

Rinne: Rondo- ON/OFF

Futatsu no Kodou to Akai Tsumi- ON/OFF

Take Off- 2PM

Servant of Evil- EngFanDub Cover by JellybabyProductions on Youtube

Ievan Polkka- Len and Rin Kagamine

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