Chapter Six: He Read a Book? I'm So Proud!

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THE MOVIE... WAS AWESOME. And who was the kid who played Albus? He was freakin' cute! -Fangirls-

Anyway~ new chapter! And a new goal. I want to have one chapter of book four up before school starts. Also, after this book, the writing style may change a bit. I've improved a lot since I started writing this series, and I want to use another style. I feel that I could do so much better, you know? I've kept the same style since I started, but I feel it's not enough for this series. So, after this book, I'm changing the style up a bit!

Chapter Six: He Read a Book? I'm So Proud!

"YO, JAMES! Get off your arse! Do you even want breakfast?" Trey yelled, trying to wake up James. He pulled back the curtain to reveal James, lying there with a-.

Wait. Was that...?

A book? James Potter read a book?

He poked James's cheek. "James...?"

"Mmmm!" He groaned, "One more... minute..."

"I already told you to get off your arse! Now, LET'S GO!"

James's eyes snapped opened and he sat up at lightning speed, "Wha-?" he looked down at the floor and frowned. "Trey? Why are you on the floor?"

"'Cause you hit me, you bloody wanker!"

"Whatever. It doesn't matter-"

"Yes it does, git!"

"-we need to get to the Great Hall. I found some stuff in there-" James pointed to the book while keeping eye contact with Trey, "that'll help us."

"Oh Merlin, now what are you two planning?"

"Not just Emily and I... Trinity, Scorpius, my brother, and his friends."

"How come I'm not in this?"

"I dunno!"


"Omph!" James fell backwards on the stairs, hitting his head. "Emma! That bloody hurt!"

"Heh, I missed you!"

"You saw me last night."

Emma laughed and stood up. "I can't help it!"

James gave Trey a help me! look, but Trey just smirked and said, "I'll meet you in the Great Hall, m'kay?"

"Um, Emma," James began after Trey walked off, "Can we get to the Great Hall? I need to talk to Emily..."

Emma's face turned into a frown. "Why do you always insist on talking to her over me? I'm your girlfriend, not her."

"Not anymore..."

"Excuse me?"

"We're done, Emma. Really, after we started dating you got all..." James thought, searching for the right word. There were a lot that could describe her. "Bubbly... annoying... you know! That kind of stuff!"

Emma just stared at him, appaled. (A/N I think I spelled that wrong... sorry!) "You arse!" she yelled at him, then stomped off.

James sighed, relieved he'd finally done it. He'd been meaning to for a while, she just got stupid after they started dating.

He then made his way down to the Great Hall and found Emily. "I read the book," he said.

"You-?" her eyes widend. "James! I'm so proud of you! You read a book!"

"Well, what I found was how to get into the maze."

Emily stayed silent as she stared at him. After about a minute of this, she said, "You... found out... how to get... into... the maze...?" She grabbed his hand and pulled him towards Slytherin's table. "We need to tell Al and Scorpius and-!"

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