Chapter Fifteen: Returning to a Safe Place

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Chapter Fifteen: Returning to a Safe Place

James sat, as tired as ever, in the Great Hall, staring down at his final meal as a third year.

His head was pounding and all of the people around him talking as loudly as possible to one another wasn't helping in any way. He looked over at the Ravenclaw table and saw Emily. Her hair was flowing freely, her bangs so long they covered her milky brown eyes.

"Attention please!" Professor McGonagall called. Everyone became silent and looked up at him. Usually it took a lot more to make the students quiet, but they wanted to know who had one the House Cup.

Professor McGonagall looked at each table. "I am very proud of each and every student sitting in this room. You are what makes Hogwarts so wonderful and full of life." She paused, his eyes drifting to the Hufflepuff table. "I'm assuming you would like to know who won the house cup?"

Cheers erupted from around the room.

She nodded, a small smile appearing on her face. "In fourth place is Hufflepuff house with five hundered eighty seven points."

An un-enthusiastic sound came from the Hufflepuffs.

"In third place is Slytherin with five hundred ninty five points. In second place is Ravenclaw with six hundred seventy two points. And in first place is Gryffindor with seven hundred thirty six points. Very well done to Gryffindor!"

Of course, she wanted to cheer happily for her house, too. But she couldn't. As headmistress, that would be unfair. Though she was rejoicing inside.


"I can't believe we're going home," Emily said, looking out the window of the Hogwarts Express.

James nodded in agreement to Emily. "I can't either. This year went by too fast."

Emily shook her head, smiling. "Despite what happened, it was an amazing year, wasn't it?"

Trinity grinned. "Very much so. I loved it! Even those weird creature things. Y'know I wonder what those were called! They were so--"

"Trinity!" Scorpius, James, and Emily said together. "Shut up!" James added, smiling jokingly.

"Pfft, you guys suck, you know that?" Trinity asked, trying to look dead serious but failing.


Aidan groaned, "Another year over! Can't even believe it."

"We get to go to Hogsmeade next year!" Selena said suddenly, ignoring Aidan completely. "It's going to be absolutly awesome there. I know it!"

"Yeah," Albus agreed, looking away from the window and to his friends. "It will be."

"But for now, let's focus on summer plans! We all need to hang out sometime this summer," Sofia said.

Rose agreed with Sofia, "We really do. I don't want to be stuck with just Al all summer."


"Sorry Al!"


The eight students met with each other at the end of the long ride, bidding each other fairwell until they could talk to their parents about summer plans.

As they talked, others around them whispered. The group hadn't known it, but they sure would next year. They'd been given a name now. One that they would be proud of once they knew it.

They waved to each other, each leaving. Scorpius with Selena and Sofia. James with Rose and Albus. Aidan, by himslef, ran off to find his mother. Emily, looking around for her grandmother, her milky brown eyes scanning the crowd.

"The New Marauders?" A girl whispered.


And that was how the New Marauders came to be...

Done! Sorry for any miss-spellings and such. These chapters aren't beta'd or anything. So, yeah!

Anyways, it took so long to write this book. Why? I don't know. But I'm happy it's done. Now I can switch to my new writing style for the next book. Expect to see the next one out by half-way through September, okay?

Thank you all for reading! You guys rock!

Harry Potter belongs to JK Rowling.

Please do not post this story anywhere else without my premission. Thank you!


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