Chapter Four: What's on Your Hand?

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Hey guys! What's up? Sorry I haven't posted- my life is busy even during the summer. Especially next month. I mean, the FINAL Harry Potter movie is going to be out! How many of you already have your mindnight showing tickets? This i going to be my fifth or sixth midnight showing and I'm excited! I'm going with my one of my friends, her mom, and my mom. And her little sister might come, too, but she'd just bring a blanket and her sister's iPod and watch another movie. But, really, how excited are you guys?

But, I'm not ready for Harry Potter to end. You know how when you finish a really good series and then you get a whirl in your stomach and you can't stop thinking about it? Well, yeah, that's the feeling...

Anyways! To the story! 

I'm really going to try and finish this book before the movie comes out, but you never know. ;)

Chapter Four: What's on Your Hand?

James and Emily sat in the library, waiting for Scorpius and Trinity to show up. Emily was passing time by reading a rather inruiging (A/N I have no idea how spell that and don't have time for beta-ing! Sorry!) book she'd found last night.

James was staring off into space, then blinked, looked at Emily, and repeated the cycle. After a few minutes of this, he began to poke Emily's shoulder. "Emily," he sang in an undertone, hoping that she would look up. Turned out that Emily was completely into the book and not going to talk until the others were here.

"Emilyyyyyyyyy," James whined.

Emily sighed and let her book drop on the table, making a loud thump causing them to get dirty looks from an older student. "What do you want, James?"

"I'm soooooooo bored!" James said.

"Then look for a book!"

"Reading is stupid," James replied to the suggestion.

Emily sighed again and went back to her book. It didn't last all that long though, mostly because James reached over her book (blocker her view of it) and grabbed her hand. "What on you hand?" he asked, truely curious and not just acting like an idiot.

"A zap..." Emily said. She had washed her hands several times, and the part on the inside of her hand had come off, thanl Merlin! Though she couldn't get the part that said Zap! to come off as easily. The time had washed off, though.

"What's that?" James asked, again truely curious.

Emily rolled her eyes.

"Oh, what's this?" Trinity asked, seeing the two holding hands.

"He was trying to figure out what was on my hand," Emily said, becoming uncomfortable. Trinity knew she had seen that zap before she was supposed to. Trinity also knew that Emily didn't break the rules very easily. Though she did bend them. So, when would she fulfil that blasted zap?

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