Chapter Ten: Of Swords and Zaps!

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Hey guys! Sorry 'bout not posting. I was sick -.-

Anyways, we're reaching the final chapters, and no, you may not kill me for making book three stupid and short. Then you wouldn't know what happens in the last book! DUH!

It's 1:11 AM, and by the time I post this, it'll be much later. So please, excuse the horrible writing and grammar issues.

Since we're close to the end, I'll probably try and finish it by tonight... or something. I just need to get this out of the way. I'm doing Camp NaNoWriMo (wish me luck! I might just die trying...), so posting may or may not be tough. Depending on when I'm working or procrastinating. (I admit I procrastinate a lot. XD)

Enjoy the chapter~!

Chapter Ten: Of Swords and Zaps!

"This is boring," James declared after about a half hour of wandering.

Emily sighed, ignoring his protesting. He's the one who--

Emily let another sigh pass her lips. Ranting certainly wouldn't help, now, would it?

"It's offical," James said, shaking his head. "We're lost."

Yet another sigh. Emily felt extermely annoyed and just unprotected without her wand. She wanted-- needed-- her wand. It was a part of her. She closed her eyes for a second. Stay calm, she told herself.

"Hey! Look!" James said, racing ahead of Emily towards two very shiny objects glistening on the walls. "They're swords..."

There was a large crash behind them, causing them to whip around and reach for their wands. Which they didn't have. "James! Quickly! Get those swords!"

James' eyes flickered between Emily and the swords. Crash! James shuddered and Emily just peered down the dark corridor. "James! Now!"

Footsteps could be heard now. James grabbed the hilt of the first sword, which glistened with black diamonds and the brightest of rubies. It wouldn't budge. James cursed, pulling on it harder.

"Ouch," he moaned, rubbing his head. It had come off the wall, alright. James was now lying on the floor, gripping his head that felt as if it were about to burst.

"You okay?" Emily held out her hand and helped him up. Without giving him time to respond, she took the sword from his grasp. With her free hand, she pointed at the other. "Get that for yourself."

James didn't want to go through that pain again, but agreed anyways. The footsteps were getting closer...

James pulled the sword with every ounce of power he had. Somehow, he pulled it off quite easily without even falling to the floor.

Emily stepped back, almost falling into James. She could see a slight shadow, but only for a second.

Turns out the trouble they had gone through getting the swrods was nothing. The figure was gone.

Emily took in a deep breathe, but didn't release it. Well, eventually she did.

Then there was a crash from the light corridor. Emily and James turned, holding the swords.

"James?" Emily asked, her voice uncertain.

"Yeah?" James replied with his own question.

The next thing he knew, his lips were pressed against Emily's. Only for a second though.

He blinked. "Huh...?"

"Remember that day you were trying to figure out what was on my hand?"

James nodded, only faintly remembering it. Trinity had been giving them weird looks since that day, for some reason...

"That was a zap."

James actually knew what those were. And he even assumed correctly. That zap had told Emily to kiss him.

They both looked up when the next crash came. And this time, the shadowy figure remained.

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