Preserve Ch.2

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The ride to the Beacon Hills Preserve was uneventful. Stiles kept rambling about the body. I tried my best to ignore him. Sometimes, I don't know why I hang out with him. Must be his sarcastic humor, which is similar to mine.

As Stiles was talking, I studied the both of them. Stiles had buzzed brown hair, pale skin, and light brown eyes. Scott had longish brown curly hair, tanned skin, and dark brown eyes. I'm the only one in town that had natural white hair which was weird because no one in my family had white hair. And it was cut short into a mo hawk, that was dyed rainbow.

Anyways when we got there, we all piled out. I had been delegated to the back seat. It was the same thing every time I rode anywhere with them.

Stiles had brought only one flashlight, which sucked. He really doesn't think things through sometimes.

"Could we not be out here? I wanted to get some sleep for practice tomorrow." Scott whined.

"Oh you wanted to get some rest because sitting on the bench is such grueling work," Stiles was right.

Scott and Stiles have been on the bench since they started playing lacrosse.

"Well, actually I was going to tryout for first line." Scott said proudly.

"That's great, Scott. It's nice to have a dream, even an unrealistic one," I said.

He just glared at me. Stiles continued walking into the woods, not even bothering to check if we were coming or not. We were, we couldn't let him go in there alone.

"So which half of the body are we looking for anyways?" I ask looking around.

I could've sworn I felt someone looking at us. I look around, but it's useless. It's way too dark out here.

"Huh. I didn't think about that," Stiles scratched his head.

Really Stiles?

"What if the killer is still out there?" I asked.

"I didn't think about that either." He said.

As we walked, it seemed to get colder. I shivered, absently rubbing my bare arms. Scott noticed and took off his jacket, handing it to me. I took it, nodding my thanks.

I remembered when I started working at the animal clinic during the summer after eighth grade. Scott had been working that day. We started talking and that's how we became friends. I loved animals and I wanted to get a motorcycle when I was 16, so I applied to the clinic. Dr. Deaton is a pretty awesome boss. He seemed pretty nice.

Stiles must've been really excited, he was halfway up the hill before he noticed we were lagging behind.

"Maybe the severe asthmatic should have the flashlight," I said, noticing Scott wheezing.

He pulls out his inhaler and puffs it a couple of times. When he was done we trudged on. Towards the top, we heard dogs barking.

Dropping to the ground, we watched a couple of dogs run in front of us wearing the K-9 vests from the police station. That could mean one thing. Stiles was thinking the same thing as he bolted up and started running. Scott and I scrambled up after him.

"Stiles wait!" I whisper.

He kept running. When he got tackled by the dogs, I pulled Scott behind a tree. I noticed that my hair would give us away. I pulled the hood up on the jacket.

"Wait, hold up. This delinquent is mine," I knew that voice.

Well, shit. It was Sheriff Stilinski. We were in so much trouble if we got caught.

Preserve (Teen Wolf) Book 1 [On Hold]Where stories live. Discover now