Night school Ch. 12

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"Derek!" I yelled. I ran over to him, but was intercepted by Scott.

"Come on Sage. We got to get in the school." He started pulling on my arm.

I yanked my arm away. "No, Scott. He needs help. Go on without me."

He looked at me bewildered.

"Go! Save yourself and Stiles. I'll be fine. Go!" I shoved him towards the school.

I run over to where Derek landed. I turn him over. Blood was everywhere. I check his pulse, his heart was barely beating. I tried to stop the bleeding, but it wouldn't stop. Blood covered my hands. I felt something grab me.

Before I could find out what it was, I was thrown in the air. I landed on the hood of Derek's car. That hurt. If I didn't have supernatural healing, I would be bruised for weeks.

I looked up and saw the alpha standing between me and Derek. I get off the car and crouched close to the ground, I was looking at the ground then looked up. I had shifted. It was an odd sensation. A roar was ripped from my throat.

"You may be the alpha, but you're not my alpha." I growl at it. "I won't join your pack and I never will. Scott won't either, I can tell you that."

"We'll see." I shivered. The alpha had turned toward the school. I could see Stiles running to get something on the ground.

"Stiles! Run! Get back inside! Run!" I shout to him.

Stiles looked up and saw the alpha. He spazed for a second, grabbed a pair of bolt cutters off the ground, and ran back inside. I could see Scott's curly hair from where he was crouched by the door.

I looked back to the alpha, to get ready to defend myself if I have to. As I looked I saw it jump on top of the roof. Well, that's spectacular isn't it? I didn't waste any time running over to Derek. Thinking about saving him calmed me down enough to where I shifted back.

"Don't be dead. Don't be dead. Don't be dead." I mumbled as I ran.

Dropping to my knees, I try to stop the bleeding once again. I didn't know why he wasn't healing. My mind was racing. I had to get him somewhere I could bandage his wound. His apartment. Random thoughts pay off, huh?

I'm pretty sure the guys would blame Derek for this, but I wasn't going to let them. Even though it. would be easier to explain why Derek's car was there. I hooked my arms under his armpits and dragged him over to where his car was parked.

It was hard trying to maneuver him. It's dead weight. I knew he wasn't dead, but it didn't make it easier. I dig through his pockets to get his keys.

In the first pocket, I fumbled around. I grabbed something. Not his keys. I quickly search the other pocket.

I get the door unlocked and get him in the best I could.

I start the engine, hoping I don't get pulled over. I made it to his apartment in piece. I leaned him against the wall while I opened his apartment.

Bad thing is that I didn't know which was to the door. I tried every key and it had to be the last one I pick. Just my luck, right? Opening the door was the least of my worries, getting Derek into the room was the real challenge.

I was able to get him in the door and to the couch. It wasn't easy, since he was about six foot tall. If it wasn't for supernatural strength, I wouldn't have been able to lift him much less carry him.

Once I put him on the couch, I searched the apartment for a first aid kit. Voilà! Found one under the sink in the bathroom. I also looked for towels so I could clean the wound. I wet one of the towels.

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