Heart Rate Ch. 11

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"You're seriously going to ignore him, Stiles?" I ask.

Stiles looked back at me, opened his mouth then closed it. He turned back toward the front of the classroom.

"You're going to ignore me too? You know your dad's ok right? I made sure he was ok. What did I do to get the silent treatment?" I poke him in the back of the head with my pencil. He didn't turn around. I turned my attention to Scott.

"Why are you avoiding Allison? She asked me what she did wrong. She didn't do anything wrong did she?"

"No. Derek said that anything that raises my pulse triggers the transformation. She does that. He said he was going to train me. Have you checked the bite yet?"

My hand went to my shoulder absentmindedly. "I was going to after class. How fast did yours heal?"

"About the next day. Do you feel any different?"

"Well, nothing has cha-" Ring ring ring. I looked around to see where it was coming from. I couldn't see anyone grabbing their phone. It was coming the next room.

Wow, one minute I could barely hear outside the classroom, the next I could hear a phone ringing through cinder block walls. Well, shit. I'm a werewolf. I looked at Scott. He knew. I raised my hand. I needed to check out this bite.

"Mr. Harris, may I go to the restroom? It's an emergency."

"Go on. Just hurry, I'm not going to repeat anything when you get back."

"Thank you." I grabbed my bag and rushed out.

Once I was in front of the mirror, I lifted my shirt and ripped off the bandage. Yep, the bite healed. I touched the area where the bite used to be. I felt smooth skin. Nothing was there, not even a scar. This threw me for a complete loop. I could hear things, like teachers giving lessons down the hall. I could hear a pen drop.

The smell of perfume hit my nose. It probably wasn't strong to a humans sense of smell but it was pungent to a werewolf. I looked around and couldn't see or hear anyone in the bathroom with me. I wonder what my wolf eye color was. I concentrated then looked up in the mirror.

What I saw shocked me. Pure white eyes were staring back at me. I step back and shake my head. I looked back at the mirror. My eyes were back to their original blue color. This can't be happening. I need to go back to class.

I walk back into the classroom. Mr. Harris didn't even glance my way. I rolled my eyes. He couldn't care less if I bombed the school. He'd probably be happy if I did.

"Scott, something's different. My eyes are a different color than yours. I don't know what's happening."

"Wait, what do you mean different? They're not gold?" He whispered.

"No they're white. I'll show you after class."

"Stiles is going to help me during our free period. Maybe you should come too. Is it ok Stiles?"

"Yeah. Just no wolf powers ok?" He said, turning to look at me.

"Oh so you're talking to me now? Want to tell me what I did?" I inquired.

"You know what happened. You went to Derek's and now you're a freaking werewolf. You seriously need to think things through. You could've died!" The class turned towards us when he yelled that part.

"He meant that I could've died in a game. He takes it way to literal." They stared at me. "Get back to what you were doing, you nosy people."

I wacked Stiles in the back of the head. "Keep it down, will you? Look, I just wanted to talk to Derek and learn more about werewolves. One of my best friends is one. Excuse me if I wanted to help. I didn't want to become one. I didn't know that the alpha was going to be there. So if you're going to be an asshole about something I can't control, then you might as well stop being my friend."

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