Alpha and his pack Ch. 16

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The elevator doors opened as the realization sank in. Peter was the alpha.

Now it makes sense. The alpha knew my name. The alpha must've known about the so called legend about the white wolf. Derek said his mother told him about it. Peter was Derek's uncle so naturally he would know something about it.

But that raises the question, why? Why did he kill Laura? Just to get the alpha power? Why would he have the need to become alpha? Did it have to with the power that comes along with the title?

He was burned so badly. Maybe being alpha gives you better healing abilities. That could be why he did it. This is all seems to be connected to the fire. It begs the question, who did it? Who started the fire? And why? Did it have something to do with Allison's necklace? So many questions.

I quickly step out of the elevator because I stood there so long the doors were closing. I look around. Hardly anyone was here. Which seemed about right because it was mainly nurses in this area. They have possibly three or four doctors on staff for this section of the hospital.

Peter's room was pretty much straight across from the elevators. The door was open and I saw that Peter had his back towards the door. No doubt that he knew I was here. You can't really sneak up on a werewolf, well unless you had the upper hand. I'm not sure how you would do that.

I cock my head to the side. His nurse is no where to be found. I thought she never left him alone. With a shrug of my shoulders, I cross the space between us. I walked into the room, past where he was sitting in his wheelchair and spin around to face him.

"I know what you are. I know who you are. You know who I am."

No response.

"Ok. That's great, the no talking thing. My father said that you were unresponsive. I'm guessing it was before you killed Laura."

His eyes flicked up to mine.

"Yeah, I know about that. I admit that I didn't know for very long. I knew who ever killed Laura, must've known that she was the alpha. The only werewolves in the area at the time were you and Derek. Derek's wolf eyes are blue and not red. I don't know why his eyes are blue, but it couldn't have been him."

He continues to stare at me.

"That's my reasoning anyway. But you had to have help. You couldn't have known she was here. Unless she came to visit. Which is likely, seeing as she's your niece. I just want to ask why? Why did you kill her? Just to be alpha? I mean, she was your family. Your family, Peter!"

By the time I finished, I was trying to control the shift. I couldn't fathom killing anyone, much less my family. It just makes me mad when there's senseless killing.

Okay, calm down Sage. What would Danny say? He would tell me that I needed to take deep breaths. That's what he would say whenever someone would make me mad. So I did just that.

Breathe in.

Breathe out.

That's when I felt something hit me over the head. Hard. I fell to the ground, but before I passed out I saw Peter's nurse holding a fire extinguisher.


"Sage! Wake up!"

Something was shaking my shoulder.

"Five more minutes dad." I mumbled.

The shaking increased.

"Oh for fuck sake! I'm not your dad. I'm not old enough to be your dad. Now wake up!"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28, 2016 ⏰

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