Crash and burn Ch. 6

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Derek sat on the back of my motorcycle, his arms around my waist. Something about this feels nice. He gave me directions to his place. I pulled up and turned the engine off. He unwrapped his arms from my waist, but a part of me wanted to him to stay like that.

Wait, why am I having these feelings? I hardly know the guy. I shake my head to clear my thoughts. For all I know he could be a killer.

Really? After he saved you?

The voice in my head said. He could've just doing that for his own good. That didn't sound convincing, even to me.

I take off my helmet and lock it on the handle bars. I got off the motorcycle and followed Derek to his apartment. He unlocked the door and stepped in, turning on a light. It was nice, small in size.

The living room and kitchen were combined into one room. This was a one bedroom apartment for sure. As I looked around I didn't see much of his personal belongings. I could tell he didn't own much. He was probably a minimalist considering what happened all those years ago.

"Um, I got an extra shirt you can sleep in, if you want." He seemed uncomfortable.

I guess he hasn't had much company. I felt a pang of sympathy.

"Sure. Thank you." I figured I might as well get comfortable.

He went into the bedroom, going through some drawers. He came back out holding a white T-shirt, handing it to me. I took it with a nod.

"The bathroom is through there." He said pointing to the bedroom. I walked through it and into the bathroom.

I shut the door. Sitting the shirt down on the edge of the sink, I looked into the mirror. I cringed. The black eye seemed darker than the others I've gotten over the years. My lip was swollen and cracked down the middle.

The make-up on my nose was coming off so I just washed off the rest. Not wanting to look at my reflection anymore, I turned away and started to undress. I took off my jacket and tank top. I was glad I had a small chest and didn't have to wear a bra.

I put the t-shirt on. It came down to my knees, so I decided to take my jeans off as well. I bundled up my clothes and grabbed my phone and keys.

When I came into the living room, Derek was sitting on the couch. The TV was on and he was scrolling through the channels. He turned his head toward me upon hearing my footsteps.

I walked over to the couch and sat down, putting my clothes on the floor by the coffee table. I brought my knees up to my chest. Resting my chin on my knees, I stared at the TV.

My phone vibrated, letting me know I had a text message. I picked it up to see who was texting me.

Are you alright? Didn't see you leave the party. -Stiles

Yeah. But decided to stay at a Danny's -Sage

Ok. Scott is for sure a werewolf but he's fine. No murders tonight. -Stiles

I shook my head. That's Stiles for you. Always on top of things. I wonder about him sometimes.

"I've been wondering why you are friends with those two. You don't seem to have much in common."

"Well, I became friends with Scott when I started to work at the animal clinic. He started around the same time. He wanted to be a vet when he gets older. So do I. I guess that's what brought us together. I love animals so does he. I later became friends with Stiles."

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