The Full Moon Ch. 13

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I didn't get detention after I returned to class after all. Mr. Harris just glared at me when I walked to my seat. Danny gave me a 'Wtf' look, but I just shrugged. The rest of the day was uneventful.

I was happy that the last bell rang. I hurried to get to practice. I guess I didn't look where I was going when I crashed into Allison. We tumbled to the ground in a tangled heap.

"There must be something about you that makes people fall for you. Quite literally." I laugh nervously as we get up.

She blushed. "Are you always this awkward and clumsy?"

"Awkward, yes. Clumsy, no. I just have a small tendency not to look where I'm going." She laughs.

"Hey, um, why did Scott run out of class today? Did it have to do with me?" The one question I actually wanted to avoid.

"Uh, he told me that he wasn't feeling well. Sick to his stomach. It was really nothing. I don't think it had anything to do with you." I felt bad lying to her, but I just wanted to paint Scott in a good light.

"Oh. Don't you have to get to practice?" She points out.

"Shit. Yeah. Um, see you later?" I say over my shoulder as I head out the door.

When I get there, I didn't see Scott. I just shrugged. He'll get to practice soon enough. I head over to where Danny was standing.

"Are you alright? You seem....distracted." He observed.

"Huh? Oh, yeah I'm fine. Just a bit absentminded." I wave off his concerns.

There were so many voices. They were loud. I couldn't think straight. Maybe because I'm not. I shook my head. Now's not the time to make sexuality jokes. I spot Scott jogging to where Stiles was. Stiles asked him a question.

"So did you ask her? Does she like me?" He must be talking about Lydia.

"Yeah, she likes you." Scott said, not even bothering to look at Stiles.

Something was off about Scott. I mentally smacked my forehead. Full moon. I had almost forgotten. Stiles fist bumped the air. I rolled my eyes. I've made a habit of it. I guess the full moon was already affecting me because I was extra annoyed with Scott right now.

Coach blew his whistle. I covered my ears. Was it always that shrill? We lined up to do some drills. I was the second one up. The guy in front of me was slow to get the ball and then when he shot the ball at the net, the ball was caught.

As I got ready, someone made a comment about my butt.

"Nice ass Lee. Damn." Says Greenberg.

"Shut it Greenburg before I pulverize you." I say over my shoulder.

"Whatever you say sweet cheeks."

"That's it." I threw my lacrosse stick down. With a war cry, I launch myself onto him.

He wasn't expecting that so we both fell down. I started throwing punches left and right. If he wasn't wearing a helmet, I would've crushed his head in because I made one hell of a dent in the helmet. I was still thrashing about when I was pulled off of him.

People were talking about how I shouldn't have been able to dent the metal like that. I didn't care. I was hauled over to the bench. Once it was made clear I was calmed down enough, they let go of me. Coach kneeled down in front of me so we were about eye level.

"What the hell was that? I never seen so much aggression out of you."

"It's that time of month?" I laugh humorlessly. "I honestly don't know what the hell happened coach. He just pissed me off. You know how that feels."

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