The Chase Ch. 14

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I spare a glance in the side mirrors. Yep, she was gone. Damn it! Even though I haven't met her, I hate her. Kate Argent needs to cool her jets.

"Kate probably figured out that Derek wasn't the one driving." I looked over at Scott.

"Probably? Probably? Thank you captain obvious. Why did I flip her off?" I say the last part more to myself.

Derek would have never flipped her off. He was more likely to flip her car than to flip her off. Say what you want, Derek was a hands on guy.

While I was busy with thinking about Derek, Stiles pulls out a portable police radio. How did he get that?

"You didn't steal that, did you?"

He looks up at me sheepishly.

"For fuck sake, Stiles!" I took deep breaths to calm down.

Suspect is on foot. He's heading towards the iron works. That came in loud and clear.

I know where we were heading. I made a sharp right turn and sped in that direction. It wasn't long before the iron works came into view. A dark figure was heading in that direction.

"Scott, get in the back." He didn't question it and crammed into the back with Stiles.

Blue lights appeared in the distance. Once I got near Derek, I slowed down enough and leaned across the console to throw open the door.

"Get in!" I yell.

He gets in, slamming the door behind him. I speed up.

"I almost had him!" Derek snaps.

"Who, the alpha?" Stiles chirps. I rolled my eyes. It was kinda obvious who it was.

"Yes! He was right there! Then the police showed up." He shoots a glare at Stiles.

"They were just doing what they're paid to do." I say defending them.

"If someone didn't make me a wanted criminal in the entire state, I wouldn't be on the run." Derek grits out.

"Don't get mad at me. It was their fault." I jerk a thumb towards the backseat.

"Look, Derek. I'm sorry. I made a mistake." Derek looks back at Scott. "A huge mistake. Can we get past it?"

"So, about the alpha." I say trying to diffuse the situation.

Derek gave me a look that said 'no questions'. Okay. Whatever.

"Can you trust us for, like, a minute?" Stiles asked. Derek glared at him causing him to cringe. "Or Scott. I'm fine with that."

"I trust her. She doesn't try to get me thrown into jail." I blush slightly. "Before my sister died, she had told me she was onto something.
Two things actually. First one was someone named Harris."

"Mr. Harris? The devil spawn?" I ask. "Why him?"

"I honestly don't know." He admitted.

"What else?" Scott questions.

"A pendant of some kind. Sort of a symbol." Derek pulls something out of his pocket. A piece of paper.

He flips it over revealing a drawing. It triggers a memory. Allison's necklace. I can't take the paper for a closer look because I was driving, though I knew that had to be it.

"You've seen this before?" Out of the corner of my eye, I see Derek look up at me.

"Yeah. On Allison's necklace. She was telling me it had to do with her family history. Kate gave it to her." I tell him.

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