Chapter 40

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Peaceful bird songs dance across the air as golden streaks of sunlight shine through the canopy of the forest. In the distance joyful laughter can be heard.

“C'mon this is hardly a challenge for me and Kenji,” Chitayna laughs as she leads the group of teens alongside their beloved boyfriend. “You girls can't match our speed no matter how much you train, it's a natural fact. At this rate I'll win,” she finishes with her iconic, chi-chi-chi, laugh and a wink at Kenji.

The teens are sprinting through the forest as part of their pre-training warm-up, “to get the blood pumping,” what Sensei Kuma told them back at the clearing. He didn't give them any set of rules to follow, nor did he state there would be a prize for anyone that comes in first. He only told them to, “just run around the farm and end in the far east section of the forest where a red shed stands. There, we'll pick up our training.”

Back in the forest the rest of the girls lag a few feet behind the couple. The two leopard girls swing from branches, as if they were monkey bars, to close the distance between them and the two cheetah clan members.

“Aye Yukino, stop copying my strategy,” Hyona half whines while laughing.

“Nope, love is on the line and I will win by any means necessary,” Yukino responds with her own sweet laugh.

Shishana notices their plan and one up them by climbing up a tree and begins to run along the thick branches like she was on one of those warrior ninja shows. “Watch out I'm coming through,” she says. “Sorry ladies, but I will be winning that prize.” Shishana finishes by turning around and sticking her tongue out at the two leopards before back flipping around and leaving them in her leaves.

“Why didn't I think of that?” Both Hyona and Yukino shriek in sync.

“Because y'all can't see the big picture,” Tora laughs as she runs along the branches past the two leopards.

“Not you too, Tora!” The leopard warriors screech in unison.

“I will win, just watch me once I pass Shishana,” Tora screams.

“In your dreams,” Shishana screams back, distance ahead of Tora.

While the four felines battle each other in the trees the four Canidae: Kireitsune, Akane, Jackie, and Gina race against each other with the coyote warrior leading the quad. All four girls try their hardest to get one over on each other, but none of the girls are easing up.

“Come on girls, you know Kenji will be mine,” Gina says with a smile. “I'm the fastest one out of us Canidae.” She finishes by speeding up a bit leaving the three girls behind by a few feet.

“Sorry, but I will be by Kenji’s side on our wedding day.” Kireitsune says as she picks up her speed to catch up to the young coyote warrior, but Akane is keeping up with no problem.

“You will not leave me behind,” Akane announces.

The two girls are evenly matched in speed and cunning, but Kireitsune has one thing that works for her and it's that she is trustworthy. When she says something everyone believes her, and why shouldn't they she's a sweet and kind spirited girl.

“Oh no Akane, there's a large spider on your head,” Kireitsune screams.

“WHHHAAAAATTTTT? AAAAHHHH,” Akane screams as she swipes at her head. The little distraction causes her to lag behind.

Kireitsune takes advantage of the situation to put distance between her and the screaming girl, who hasn't realized there was never a spider. With that being done Kireitsune focuses on gaining up to Gina and in just a few seconds as she comes over a small hill she catches sight of her friend.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 13 ⏰

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