Chapter 2

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- 3 years later -

"Look how amazing is this? You look so tiny back then."

"Slap." I elbowed his tummy. "Of course I was tiny. What you're expecting from a 13-year-old cute girl?"

"Cute? Delete history." Toby laughed.

"I am cute. Look at this one too. Little swimsuit oh I'm like a model."

"Haha. In your dream."

"You're not so cool yourself, famous boy. Those teeth were out of this world. Haha."

"Stop! I was the cutest guy in town."

"Yeah? Who said so?"


"Nah you're dreaming."

We kept opening this old photo album one by one, smiled at every single memory left in there. It was amazing. Joan and my Mom once had this idea to capture our moments as we grew up. Basically from babies to where we are now. One album for Toby, and another one for me. Now, at the age of 16, on my birthday, we reopened this all over again. I personally am amazed by how far we've been since babies to teenagers, and how stronger each day this friendship has been growing.

"Can you believe that, little boy, that this was you, and now this you?" I pointed at him.

"Yeah... Things have changed ever since." Toby fixed his hat.

"What it feels like to be famous? In a serious way?"

"Complicated." He sighed. "I almost have the same thought everyday. What if I wasn't in the band. How my life would be. Who I would be as a person, as a guy. What would I do in life."

"And some other mornings you have this scary thought, that you actually are that person you're afraid to be?"

"Exactly. Dan, being famous isn't always amazing. I mean look at us. We're stuck in this friendship where people seem like to get involved."

"Haha. I'm getting used to it." I smirked. "Eventually."

We got cut in the throat again. It's my birthday. And on this 16th birthday, everything's changed. I'm no longer that sassy girl who always fought for TV remote from Toby or secretly hid behind the kitchen bar to steal Riley's burgers. My life has been more than that. Toby, in the other hand, but for same reason, has grown in the band. We now only have maximum total of 5 weeks to spend time together because they now belong to the fans. This kind of reminiscing moment just brought us all over again to the place and time where we realized we actually missed the old days.

"Have you ever thought about dating a celebrity?" Toby suddenly asked.

"Hmm? What? You mean who?"


"Well the only celebrities I know best are just you guys, if that counts." I chuckled.

"I mean what if you're dating a celebrity. What would that mean to you?"

"Tricky." I smirked. "Well that would mean normal life. Still. You know I don't do spotlight business. So if I ever decided to date a famous guy - theoretically Chris Collins, I would die in happiness."

"Be serious, girl!" Toby slapped my cheek.

"Ouch that hurts!" I rubbed my face. "Yeah he's all I can think about, so..."

"Back to the topic..."

"Haha. That would never change me, Toby, if that's what you ask about. I'm going to still be me. College, grocery store, Starbucks, as normal as it is."

He trapped me in that kind of stare. The deep one. I started to feel awkward. I made funny faces, rolled my eyes, flipped my hair, yet he didn't budge.

"Good to know." He simply smiled.

I smiled back. What's that suppose to mean?

"Oh it's Dad." I saw my phone beeping. "Yes Daddy?"

"Honey, are you at Toby's?"

"Yes. Where are you?"

"Can I pick you up now?"

I glimpsed at Toby. He heard our conversation. " there something? Why so hurry?"

"Your Mom and I will explain later. But can you? I'm 5 minutes away."

Toby nodded telling I should go because Dad quickly ended the call soon as I told him I'll be ready. Remember today's my birthday? I felt nervous for 'later discussion' kind of thing.  Because oftentimes, it doesn't end good.

"I'm sorry." I shook my head.

"No it's okay... That must be really important."

"You've set your time free for me today. I appreciate it a lot Tobs, really."

"Anytime you birthday girl." He hugged me tightly. "Come back again tomorrow for cupcakes party, okay?"

"Oh not gonna miss that one." I smirked.

Dad sounded the horn. Perfect time. I sighed. Why.


"Bye bye."

I sprinted to the front door to unlock it but Toby held my hand. He grabbed, stared, and smiled at it like hiding something. I waved at his face checking if he's okay. Those eyes showed me something else. But I couldn't take a guess.

"Toby I should go..." I whispered.

"Oh right. Right. See you later!"

I did a flip trick with his TM hat to make him smile. "Bye bye."

Hopped into the back seat of Dad's car, I immediately found my parents' frowning face. I glimpsed back to Toby's front door. He's still there, waved at me. Suddenly I gasped for too much air like it's not enough to take another breath. Panic attack.

It's been the same hi and goodbye everyday for the past 16 years. Why did this one feel so different?

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