Chapter 3

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My parents were still in that frown faces even after we reached home. I was told to wait for the discussion to start in the living room and that they would like to change first. Yes some adults like to push aside how kids also need some changes.

"How's your day today?" Dad poured himself some water.

"Good." I nodded.

"School okay?"

"Normal day."

"Hey honey, would you like to have some ice cream? It's your birthday." Mom joined us, brought two cups of strawberry ice cream.

I sighed. Too much fake happiness. I don't need fake celebration. I've learned that birthdays are just one of those 365 days, you shouldn't really expect anything.

"What is it about, please?" I cleared my throat.

"You go ahead." Mom whispered.

"Uh... We first want to ask you... What if, theoretically, you move to another school, let's say, to get a better condition?" Dad nervously asked.

Oh you tell me. It's not even raining outside but seemed like there was a thunder close to my ears. I knew it. Something's wrong. I just couldn't take any closer guess because anything's possible. My Mom and Dad have been arguing over some secretive things, almost every night, as of late. With this being said, the condition must be very hard for my family til we should pack our bags and move out.

"To where?"

I held my breath. Tried so hard not to blink my eyes, but these tears kept falling down ever my face.

"Sweetheart..." Mom rubbed my back.

"Oh please! Stop it!"

"Laredo." Dad stared at me.

"Oh great. We're coming 'home'." I made pathetic quotation mark in the air. "It's very nice to know."

Dad stood, tried to hug me but I pushed his arms away. "There's nothing left for us in here, Dannie. I know you want to stay in Orlando, with all friends and life you've built. But you're still 16. Technically, you should..."

"Technically, Mom, Dad, it's still my birthday." I cried twice harder.

"We're so sorry..." Mom added. She cried too.

"No. I am sorry. I should've not had birthday today. I thought we were done with Laredo. Turns out I was wrong."

I kicked my door to open it and locked myself in my room. Messed up. My life's done. The last place I wanted to be, that's where my parents were going to take me back. I once spent a quick 6 months in Laredo in my nonna's house when I was younger. Mom got me into this academy tha she said would be great for me. Guess what? I ended up having therapy session because couldn't overcome the stressful life. People I knew in Laredo were mean. They judged. Only 6 months but I promised myself to never come back anymore. In Orlando when I moved back, it was like a turning point in my life. I got closer to Toby, like really really close, started spending afternoon together, long-boarding, Starbucks, tree house, everything we did ever since was like therapy to me. It worked three times better than my own therapy session.

So hey, what a surprise. I was just told to jump into the same hole all over again.

"Dannie...let me come in." Mom still tried real hard to make me speak with her.

"Leave me alone."

"Please honey let's talk about this. I know you're sad."

Sad? You hear that?

I unlocked the door. Only because she's my mother and I still love her so much.

"What's to talk about?"

"Everything. I'm very sorry Dannie, me and your Daddy, we know this is the only way to get us a better life. Orlando isn't good anymore."

"So isn't Laredo."

"You'll get to find new friends in there. You're 16. It was years ago honey."

"How long did it take you to come up with 'I know you're gonna be fine' reason, Mom? Do you realize how much I've told that to myself then I decided to give up, because I know it wouldn't make much difference eventually?"


"I'm tired." I covered my face with a pillow.

She's still here. Mom heard me crying. But I couldn't handle this much sadness by pretending it's all okay. I would do anything to stay in Orlando. But obviously it's never been an option. I hate my life.

I hate myself for having only less than 2 weeks left to see my best friends. I hate leaving Toby.

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