Chapter 9

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Adam was cool. He made sure to comfort me as I tried to open myself slowly to him, with also still being awkward - because he said it's normal. I'd say I got lucky to meet Adam at the park bench earlier this morning. He himself and his comfortable writer lifestyle was able to give me a good hand in Laredo. Again, I wasn't yet giving up on my dream to come back to Orlando. But I was also tired of crying over nights thinking about this crappy life. A good companion's presence like him might help me with that a little bit.

Like this afternoon. After a good lunch at quiet but fancy little restaurant somewhere in corner Laredo, he took me for another ice cream treat.

"So tell me about Orlando. I once visited Florida but literally just Miami though."

"Hot. First of all, Orlando is just as sunny as the rest of Florida."

"I can deal with hot weather." He chuckled showing me the bright of sunshine today. Oh yeah it's a hot day too in here. "Tell me more."

"I had a cool life in Orlando. Best friends, afternoon hangs..." Toby's face came to my mind as I explained. "But I've been doing online school so I don't know much about school life."

"And in here? You do regular class?"

"Mom asks me to. I don't want it though."


"Worried. Much."

"I did regular class whole my life. I am still doing regular college by the way. It's not that bad. In fact it's cool to interact with real people. Obviously there's always a first day for everybody - you know, but not everyday is a first day."

"Too deep." I chuckled. Basically tried to get rid of the topic.

"I can show you one good school to go to. It was mine too. Well I can take you there."

"No thanks it's alright. They still don't decide it yet."

Adam did it again. He undressed my complicated self by a single but deep stare. He has this power to make people realize, or commit, that they are scared of some things.

"I think your parents have decided. You just want them not to. You just want them to see through it that you prefer doing online class."

"Insane." I breathed out. "That was creepy Adam."

"You're easy to read. All you have in life is insecurity. I just find out few obvious reasons for that, that you express by yourself..."

"Wow stop it really." I shook my head.

"However, despite you being one little awkward kid sister, I promise I'll help you the best I can to bring you back to Orlando."

Oh wait. Excuse me what was that again?

"You what?"

"I hate seeing people living the life they think aren't meant for them. All these words I've said to you weren't judgements. Okay? Don't see it that way. You're still 16, Dannie. One more school year then you're good to go."

"How is that possibly be that easy?"

"You weren't listening. Because I'm gonna help."

I came closer with countless amount of happiness in my both eyes. Somebody listened to me. No. Somebody did really pay attention. Somebody did hear what I wanted. He put his trust on me. In a matter of 6 hours of hang, he called me his kid sister and said will help me get through this. I was amazed. It's lining up. Somewhat my day was brighter.

"But how?" I gave a little whisper.

"A little extreme. But are you listening? Like really really listening?"

I nodded. With all my heart, for the sake of a better life and my own greater good, I nodded. You might call me blinded by teenage life and friendship whatsoever. But I know one thing. That I am the better me when I'm near him.

Him, my Orlando little secret.

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