Chapter 16

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"She what!?"

"Kidnapped and almost raped." I answered Riley.

"Damn that's the scariest thing ever man. Have you talked to her? How's she doing?"

"She's doing fine. Well, I can't describe how fine she is but she sounds better."

"Much better than the first time she called me." Connor added.

"Oh my gosh I'm so sorry for her. Wish she was here so we all could take care of her everyday..." Riley shook his head.

We three all got cut in the throat. Days off like this gave you the biggest space to think of dearest ones you might not have much time to do so during tour. I wish for a miracle. I really do. Just somewhat wanted her to come home. She belongs in Orlando.

"I would be very delighted to have her on tour with us." Connor murmured.

I glimpsed. "What a great idea. I wish."

"Yeah." Riley threw his sight around. "I've realized our day off feels really really awkward without her. Who else would come over to cook for us for no reason, stack those half-made mac 'n cheese for us to heat up at anytime later? She's a good girl."

"She is, indeed." I held my breath to hold the tears at the same time.

Then that three-time knock on the front door shocked us all. We were in the living room watching the muted TV show because not even actually put our eyes on that. That three-time knock. I know the most.

"That couldn't be..." Riley stood up.

"Possibly." Connor ran fast to open the door. "Oh my God."

I fell back again to the couch. This time with full deep sigh to release this heavy weight from my shoulder.

She's back.

"Hey guys."

That one smile I've missed the most. Probably been almost 7 months since the last time we saw her. Connor understood. He stepped back so I could hug Dannie again. We reunite. I held her inside my arms. I used to feel so powerless for letting her go. Not gonna happen, ever again.

"I've missed you." I buried my head on the crock of her neck.

"Me too." She whispered.

"Glad you're here, little girl." Connor spun her around.

"Thank you for helping me get through this, big brother." Dannie cried in his shoulder.

"Always do." He kissed her forehead. "Go meet Riley. He's worried about you."

"Hey." She approached Riley. Both were in shocked. "Sorry I didn't..."

"Thankful you're safe now." Riley attacked her with bear hug. "Don't ever go away anymore, okay? We're worried to death. Look at my bro over there. He's barely alive."

I chuckled. Riley's right.

"Wanna have a talk?" I offered a hand. "My room."

"Go, you both have plenty to talk." Connor nodded.

She grabbed my hand. It fits just like that. I could smile again. It's real. My best friend's back. Surprisingly, she also had my childhood album in her hands, to tell me she still kept it throughout this time.

"Still doesn't change." She walked into my room.

"Never." I smiled. "So don't you."

"A lot has changed, Toby. It's just not on the outlook."

Dannie just broke it all down. In front of me. I caught her before falling off her head to the floor. I realized that so much. She's been lifting so much on her shoulders. I didn't even want to ask how her parents ended up sending her back to Orlando. The most important thing is she's here now.

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