Chapter Eight

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                                                                                  Narrator's POV

              So it's the last nine weeks, of school, meaning it's close to finals, which Harry is unprepared for. He doesn't understand why they have to take finals. It's not like they're going to count for anything. You know, except college, which is obviously important if he wants a good life. Harry is in eleventh grade, still not getting a scholarship, which sucks for him.

There was a knock at the door, which made Harry jump, considering he was home alone at night. His mum was at a friends house, taking care of their baby while her friends husband and himself were out on a date. Anne did it for the extra money, it's good pay, especially when they come home a bit later than planned.

Harry moved from his on the couch, shuffling over to the door, putting his eye to the peep hole, looking out, seeing a familiar figure standing in front of the doorway.

He unlocked the door, opening it, leaning his body against the door frame.

"Hello, beautiful." the mans voice rang, making Harry's cheeks get warm and pink. "Hello, Louis." He replied, moving out of the way, motioning Louis to come in. Once Louis was through the door, Harry shut it, locking it back up. "So how was your day?" Harry followed Louis into the kitchen, plopping himself up on the counter. "It was wonderful, also I came over because I knew your mum wasn't home, I saw her car at a different house. I hope you don't mind." Louis opened the fridge, looking at Harry, watching as Harry nods. Louis tore his gaze off of Harry, placing two vodka bottles on the lowest shelf, closing it back up. "I don't mind," Harry started, his words trailing off a bit as Louis took his shirt off. "but why did you bring vodka?" Harry said, regaining focus into reality. Louis folded his shirt up neatly, putting it on the counter.

Louis walked to where Harry was sitting, placing himself between his legs. His breath reeked of cigarettes, and weed. Oddly enough, Harry didn't mind at all. "We can drink it, but only if you'd like to." Louis nodded, holding Harry's hips, pulling him closer to his body. Harry tangled his fingers in Louis' messy brown hair, which wasn't covered in too much hairspray, like it usually was. "Do we have to wait until they get cold?" Harry bit his lip. "No, we can drink them now, but before we drink them, I got to know, if you get drunk and you want to do stuff, give me permission now, yeah? I only will take permission when a persons sober."

Harry blushed, his face was almost as red as a tomato. Him and Louis has been dating for five months, after all. He fully trusts Louis. Harry was a bit nervous at the question, though. What if he doesn't remember his first time with the person he loves because he's too drunk? What if they do it now, while sober? "We can have sex," Harry said after thinking it over. "Oka-" Louis started, soon being cut off by Harry. "only if we're sober. So that means now." Louis tilted his head, a confused look on his face. He studied Harry's face. Harry bit his lip, waiting for Louis' reply. Louis nodded, picking Harry up, then placing him on the floor. "Go get a pen and paper and write a note to your mum, okay? If she comes home we'll be busted, so we're going to my place." Harry nodded, going to his room, grabbing a piece of paper, along with a pencil.


Louis pushed Harry against the door, grinding his hips against Harry's causing a moan to escape Harry's mouth. Louis held the boys wrists against the wall, kissing him roughly. Louis soon broke the kiss, tugging Harry's shirt off, throwing it across the room. "Why did you want to do it sober?" Louis breathed out, running his hands all over Harry's abdomen. Harry, wrapped his arms around Louis' neck. "I want to remember my first time." Louis nodded, with a confused look on his face, "So you're a virgin?" He asked, kissing Harry's jawline, nipping at it, which made tiny moans escape Harry's mouth. "Yeah." He blushed, running his hands down Louis' bare back.

Soon enough, Harry was almost naked, as for Louis, he was fully naked, making Harry fill with excitement. Louis tugged at the hem of Harry's boxers, thinking of Harry's possible kinks. Harry was very feminine, Louis could tell the already. He just can't decide if Harry would be up for foreplay or not. Maybe wear panties? Maybe even girl clothes, not in public, of course. Just around the Louis. Louis finally decided to break the silence, after kissing Harry's cheek lovingly. "Baby doll, do me a favor?"

"Yes, Louis?" Harry lazily replied, wondering why Louis is cutting through their moment. Louis shuffled over to his closet, rummaging through it.

For what seems like forever for Harry, which was about one minute, Louis finally walked over with an outfit in his hand. "Put this on." Louis held up outfit, which was white lingerie, knee-high see through socks, panties with a mini white skirt attached, and a white corset, Louis also held up white heels. Harry had a confused look plastered on his face, Louis noticed.

"Please, Harry. Who knows, maybe it's one of your kinks you haven't yet discovered. I want to try and help you discover things about yourself, so please?" Louis had a hopeful look in his eye. Harry nodded, getting up, taking the outfit to the bathroom. Louis smiled, laying on the bed, waiting for the small boy to return from the bathroom.

Harry walked out, trying not to fall on his face because of the heels. Louis took his bottom lip between his teeth, tugging at it lightly, looking at the boy in awe. "Do I look bad?" Harry shyly pushed his curly mop of hair out of his face, afterwards he put his hands behind his back, holding his wrist in one hand. "You look so perfect, Harry." Louis smiled, motioning Harry to come to him. Harry obeyed, standing in front of Louis. "How do you feel about calling me daddy?" Louis asked, not a sound of embarrassment in his tone. Harry's face turned fire red, looking down at his feet. "I kind of like the idea of it.." He murmured. Louis nodded, smirking. "Good, you may call me daddy from now on."

"Okay, daddy." Harry felt a bit weird saying it, as if it was a foreign language. But Harry liked it. "Get on your knees, baby doll. You're going to give me a blow job, okay?" Louis looked up at Harry, scooting closer to the edge of the bed.

Harry got on his knees in front of Louis, looking up at him through his lashes. Louis nodded telling Harry to go on. Harry bit his lip, grabbing the older mans length, pumping his hand slowly, looking at his face relax up. Harry didn't know what he was doing, exactly, but somehow he was a natural. The boy started licking his daddy's length from base to tip, continuing this action a couple more times before wrapping his plump pink lips around the mans member.

Harry closed his eyes, taking in the surprise of the taste. It tasted like nothing, but something at the same time. Harry started bobbing his head down, swallowing around Louis.

Harry blushed when his heard a low moan escape Louis' lips. He knew he was making his daddy feel good, which made him happy. Louis tangled his fingers in Harry's hair, tugging lightly, earning a moan from Harry. That made Louis come to the conclusion that Harry might like the sensation of pain. But Louis doesn't want to rush too into all of Harry's kinks all at once. Louis pulled Harry's head up gently, looking at the boy, spit running down his chin. Louis chuckled, petting his head. "Get on your hands and knees, kitten, on the bed." Harry obeyed, doing what his daddy told him to do.

Louis ran a hand over Harry's bum, stripping him of his lingerie, excluding his heels and socks.
Louis reached over, getting lube from his night stand. He squirted lube onto the boys hole, making him shiver. "This will hurt at first, but it will feel really good after a while, okay?"
"Okay, daddy." Louis ran his finger over Harry's pink lubed hole. He pushed it in, waiting for Harry to adjust before moving it.

Louis was three fingers deep in Harry, earning moans from him. Louis thrusted his fingers in and out of Harry, pulling them out when he felt Harry clench around him. Harry whimpered at the sudden emptiness. "Daddy.. please.." Harry whined, wiggling his arse in the air, looking at Louis with the most innocent eyes. Louis turned Harry over on his back. Harry's eyes widened, watching as Louis lubed up his member, starting to stroke it a bit, before picking Harry's legs up a bit, lining himself up. "Tell me when I can start thrusting, okay baby? This will hurt, but I prepped you, so it shouldn't hurt as bad." Harry nodded, closing his eyes. Louis leaned down, kissing his plump lips, lining himself up with Harry's hole, sliding the head in.

Harry whimpered, clutching onto Louis' shoulders, tearing up from the immense pain.

After a few moments, Harry was adjusted around Louis. Louis sighed in relief when Harry squeaked out a "move". Louis thrusted his hips, moving in and out slowly in the young lad. They both moaned in sync, Harry arching his back, while scratching Louis' causing him to groan. Louis bent down, kissing Harry's chest, biting and sucking harshly; leaving a big purple bruise.

Harry wrapped his legs around Louis' waist, almost reaching his high when Louis hits his prostate, stopping there. "Who do you belong to?" Louis growled, staring at the whimpering mess below him. "You, daddy." Harry moaned out quietly. Louis pounded into Harry again, hitting his prostate. "Who?" He growled again, pretending he didn't hear. "Louis Tomlinson!" The boy cried out, pleasing Louis. "Goodboy." Louis started pounding into Harry, rubbing his length in the process. Both Louis and Harry reached their high at the same time. Louis releasing himself into Harry, and Harry releasing onto his stomach and chest.


They both crawled under the blankets, not bothering to put clothes on. Harry layed his head on Louis' chest, Louis' arm around Harry's shoulder. Harry drew circles into Louis' chest, looking upat Louis sleepily. "I love you, daddy."

"I love you, Hazzy." Louis kissed Harry's head, drifting off to sleep.


"You guys did what?" Gigi yelled, making the whole cafeteria look at them. "Keep you voice down!" Harry whined, covering Gigi's mouth with his hand. "We had sex, at his house." Harry whispered, biting his lips. For some strange reason, Gigi believed him, but needed proof at the same time. She knows Harry, and he's as innocent as a baby. "Do you have proof?" Gigi mumbled into his hand, making Harry move it. "Yeah.." He muttered, pulling the top of his shirt down enough to reveal the purple hickey. "Oh my god! Was he good?"

Harry nodded, but remembered his sore bum that he has. "I'm kind of sore." Harry whimpered. "Well, you did have a dick up your arse, didn't ya?"Gigi giggled.

A/N: Sorry, again for the late update. I'm having bad writers block. Also the smut is kind of bad. Sorry about that as well. But can you be so kinda as to follow me on my social media?
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Hope you enjoyed the book so far. (:

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