Chapter One

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ATTENTION READERS: If you have read this book before this was put here, you will know "Veronica" is Harry's best friend. She, as a person, has not changed. However, due to the fact I made this two years ago, I don't like her name, never really have, so I'm changing it. I'm sorry for that, but more updates to come soon. Thank you so much for reading! I hope you enjoy the story.

{Couple weeks after starting school}

"Harry,"  Gigi's voice cut through my train of thoughts. Gigi is my friend, my best friend. She was over dramatic, and too preppy, but she's nice and caring. When I first started school here, she came to be my friend straight away. She tutors me in math and literature. Those are my worlds worst classes. She helps me when I'm sad, when I was starting to get bullied she'd stick up for me. It made the bullying stop. People often mistake us as a couple, but they don't know that we're both gay. She has a secret relationship with her friend, Mandy.

Mandy is 19, two years older than me one year older than her, I'm 17 by the way.

"Yeah?" I replied, looking up from my phone. "You know we're getting a new math teacher? I think his name is Mr.Tomlinson." I smiled in delight at the word "Mr". We don't have many male teachers, I hope this ones young. Though, I know I wouldn't have a chance with him. I'm only seventeen. But it doesn't hurt to dream, does it? "Oh, cool. When's he coming to teach us?" I asked.

"Tomorrow, I want to do a little research on him before we go, though. He might be cute." I nodded in agreement. "Sure, but do you even know his first name?" That's a dumb question, of course she does. She finds out everything. She's the smartest girl I know. "Louis." She typed his name in on the laptop that was placed in her lap. "Louis Tomlinson."
Gigi has connections, she's actually pretty popular. She has tons of friends, but she chooses to stick with me the most.

Her eyes widened, she was staring into the screen like she saw a dead person. "Jesus," she looked up at me. "What? Is he hot?" She nodded, turning the computer screen to where I can see it. I felt my jaw drop. She was on his Facebook page, his profile picture is of him and two other guys, must be his friends. He has some tattoos on his left arm, and brown hair that looks like he just rolled out of bed. If I had to guess his age I would say mid-twenties to early thirties. "God damn." I said, not having much more to say.

Math is mine and Veronica's first period. So the first thing I see when I get there is him.

My alarm clock went off, I groaned, trying to ignore it. I didn't want to go to school today, I'm too tired. I didn't want to do anything but lay here, playing on my phone, possibly read.

I hit the snooze button on my alarm clock before forcing myself to roll out of bed. Why am I so tired? I went to sleep at eight, and it's six in the morning now. I grabbed my Nirvana shirt off my dresser, pulling it over my head, pulling it down on my torso. I grabbed a pair of jeans from my closet, putting one leg in at a time.

Me and Gigi walked into the classroom, we were the first ones in there, no teacher to be seen. We sat in the front of the class beside each other. "So what do you think he's like?" I asked Gigi, her facial expression went to that "oh my god, Harry" face. "What?" I whined, smiling. "He's way older than you, Harry. You wouldn't have a chance with him, unless he's a pedo." She laughed. "Sorry!" I exclaimed.

Five minutes later and everyone was in the classroom, excluding those who were absent. Everyone started talking, occasionally throwing paper balls in the air, hitting other people. The door opened and walked in a short man, he had on a black suit, kinda undone so he doesn't look too classy. Everyone got quiet. "Hello." The man said, his voice was kinda of deep, but honestly not really. It made me melt a little. Gigi looked over at me. "Harry." She whispered. I looked at her. "Yeah?" I replied. "Your gay is showing." She giggled. I smiled, focusing my attention back to Mr.Tomlinson. He seemed to have noticed my constant staring at him, he gave me a quick wink and a smile. I felt my cheeks burn. "Gigi did you see that?"
"No, what?"
"He winked at me." Gigi raised an eyebrow at me, like I was insane. I shrugged. Maybe I'm just seeing what I want to see.

"My name is Mr.Tomlinson. I'm your new teacher." He smiled, writing his name on the white board with a black marker. His hand writing was like a girls almost. While he was turned around I snuck a look at his ass, which was kinda big for a guys. It looked firm. He turned around and looked at me, I quickly looked up to look at his face, trying to play it cool. He smiled. "You guys will respect me, say 'yes sir', 'no sir', 'please', and 'thank you'. No cell phones, and no talking unless told to do so. Any questions?" Gigi raised her hand high and proud, she was always like that. "Yes?" He motioned her to speak. "What happened to Mrs. Rose?"
"Mrs. Rose retired, so they hired me to take her place." He smiled. "Anymore questions?" No one moved. He smiled. "Okay! I will take roll, also keep in mind it will take me a while to get to know your name with your face, please excuse me if I pronounce your name wrong. My deepest apologies."

He started calling names, occasionally getting some wrong. "Harry Styles?" He called out. "Here." I said, quietly raising my hand. He smiled at me. "Hi, Harry." "Hello." I blushed. I think he noticed, too, because that made a smirk appear on his face.

The Teacher and the Student || Larry Stylinson (Boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now