Chapter Ten

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      "And, that class, is how you solve for the force of gravity." Harry's teacher smiled fondly, proud of how he taught his class. Harry's teacher is oblivious to the fact that absolutely no one is paying attention to his lesson. Alright, there's the small accept ion of the two losers that have all A's in all their classes, but that doesn't count, yeah, they're people but they're incredibly smart and their common interests are literally school. Harry's never tried to talk to them, but they've passed by him in the hall a few times. He's noticed that they keep to their self, and they're pretty laid back.

"Harry? What's the answer?" Harry jerked up from the- what seemed like to Harry- booming voice of Doc, his science teacher. Doc has a thick Indian accent, which makes it hard for Harry to understand him sometimes. "What?" Harry replied, looking up at Doc. "How do you solve for FG, Harry?" He repeated, crossing his arms over his abdomen. "Uh.." Harry looked at the problem on the board, which read, FG=2(6) over 6 squared.

"You um.. divide?" Harry's voice cracked because of his nervousness. Doc sighed, turning to the board, ignoring Harry's, somewhat right, answer. "Yes, and no. You take two and times it by six, making that twelve. Then you put twelve over six squared. You square six, which is thirty six, THEN you dive them. Twelve divided by six is two. Any questions?" He turned back around looking at the whole class, then pointing his attention to Harry. Harry sighed, pushing some of his, kind of greasy, curly hair behind his ear, pulling his sleeve down over his hand.


"Harry, what's the problem?" Doc asked , a sense of sincerity in his tone. Harry shrugged. "I guess it's just not my thing, I don't know. I just know I'm not good at science, at all." Doc nodded.

"The key, Harry, is connecting things you do know, and what you do love to do, to something you have no interest in or things you don't get." What was Harry interested in? He does absolutely nothing. He talks to Louis, and he likes to sing. But neither of those things would make him get science. Harry and science just do not mix. From the blank and clueless expression on Harry's face Doc could tell that Harry had very low self-confidence and needs help finding out who he is.

"Well, what do you like to do?" Harry shrugged his shoulders once more. "I don't know. All I do is hang out with my-" Harry cut himself off before he brought up the word "boyfriend" and "Louis". "Friends. I hang out with my friends." Doc nodded, like he expected an answer like that from Harry. "What do you guys do?"
"I don't know. Sit there. Talk." He sighed.
"You need to find out who you are, Harry. You can't be good at anything without finding out who you are."  Harry nodded in agreement, thinking over Doc's words over in his head.


Harry's POV

      "How was school?" My mum asked, her back turned towards me as she chopped up carrots and put them into a pot. "Boring, as always." I sighed, placing his bag into an empty chair. "What are you making?"

"The only thing we have, which is vegetable soup." Mum sighed, shifting her weight onto her right foot. I sighed once more. "Can I go for a walk? Just around town." I asked, hoping she'd let me.

She never really lets me do those types of things. She's always scared that someone might kidnap me or something like that.

"Sure." She didn't turn around to look at me at all, she just grabbed another carrot, cutting that one up as well. Honestly, I was shocked. She's never let me walk around town by myself. It's a big relief that she will.

I grab my coat, sliding it on then make my way outside. I shove my hands into my pockets to warm them up a bit. It's not too cold outside, but it's cold enough to make your bare hands cold.

I walk a couple blocks down to the park, watching as the little kids play a game of tag, and some were on the swings, singing quietly, but still very audible, to themselves. I walked over the the old worn out bench that was in front of a gigantic tree, taking a seat on it to watch the children play.

A little girl who looked to be about seven or eight was staring at me. I smiled fondly at her, trying to make it less awkward for me. She got off the swing, walking over to where I was, smiling big, showing her missing tooth. "Hello!" I said when she finally got in front of me. "Hello." She muttered very lowly. "I don't have any friends here.." She sighed, looking around the park at all the others playing. "Oh? And why not?" I asked, frowning at her. "No one likes me." She said, her eyes starting to water. I pick her up, sitting her on my lap. "I like you!" I smile happily, trying to get her not to cry. She wiped her eyes with the back of her hand. "What's your name? I'm Emily Grace."

"I'm Harry, nice to meet you!" I cooed, poking your tummy gently, making her let out a giggle.

Me and her continued talking, mostly about what her mum bought her and how her birthday was a couple weeks ago until her mum told her they had to go and waved to me goodbye. I felt bad for her, she's growing up in the same shoes I was in. She doesn't have a dad and she says she doesn't have any friends. Honestly, she's so adorable.

I decide I needed to get up and start walking to somewhere. Maybe the gift shop to look around.

With that, I got up off the bench, starting to walk in the direction to the shop, humming silently as I watch cars as they pass by. I notice a shop called "Spencer's" which was colorful, flashing lights inside of it. I decide to go inside, browsing through a pile of the things they have for sale. I pick up a toy. It was a small figurine of a naked man, he was holding his penis, and if you twisted the back up he would start to jerk off. Weird. This must be one pf those sex shops, with some other stuff.

I shrug, putting the toy back down and walk to the back part of the store. It was full of dildos, gags, lingerie, and costumes. Plenty more things I probably couldn't even tell you the name of.

There's two guys back here, one looks familiar and I'm much taller, he's standing with his back towards me, so I can't make out who he really is. I watch them carefully, seeing if he'll move in any way so I can see him. The other guy is someone I wouldn't know. He wraps an arm around the shorter one, whispering something in his ear, low to where I can't hear a thing he's saying.

The smaller one turns around, smiling with his bottom lip tugged between his teeth. I know him. It's Louis, with another guy. Why is he in here? In a sex shop? With some guy? They begin to turn around, I hide behind a wrack of costumes. "Can I chill at your place?" He whispers into Louis' ear. Louis nods gently, that's when they went out of the store.


I walked down the street, sniffling silently. I walked up to Louis' porch, looking for a light that could be on. I sigh, looking through the window to see him and Louis on the couch, watching a scary movie. They're both snuggled under the blanket, Louis tucked under the guys arm.

I feel my eyes start to burn, then a tear rolling down my cheek.

What's up guys? I'm sorry that I update so late, but I'm busy with school and all. I try to update regularly. If you want, you can follow me on Twitter @larryxsunshinex.

So what do you guys think of Perfect and Home? Harry's high note in Home makes me cry, it's so beautiful and he's such a precious little baby. What do you guys think of the story so far? I've got a huge surprise for you guys. It won't be until later on in the story. But I hope it shocks you.

The Teacher and the Student || Larry Stylinson (Boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now