Chapter Fifteen

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So between Niall, Louis, and my barely passing grades, I don't know which one is stressing me out worse. Every time Niall looks at me its a glance. Not like a death glance, like a "we were going to be something and you hurt me" glance. It gives me the awful feeling in my stomach, like, I wanna puke.

"Damn." I mumbled to myself as I dropped the cupcake on my tray onto the floor. As I bent down to pick it up, a small petite hand was put over mine. I looked up to see a small girl looking at me with bright eyes. "Sorry." She mumbled, a slight blush forming on her cheeks. The girl was small, given why she had such a petite hand. "I was going to pick it up for you, I guess you beat me to it." She smiled gently, standing back up. I did the same, chewing on my lip gently before speaking.

"I guess I did." I laughed softly, tossing the cupcake in the trash that was beside me. "I'm Sabrina." She smiled, putting her hand out in front of me, gesturing for me to shake her hand. I took her hand in mine, shaking slowly. "I'm Harry." I smiled, looking down over her. She was wearing lace shorts, though they weren't too short because of the restrictions my stupid school has. They were white with pockets, her shirt was black with flowers. Her shoes were sandals, tan. She looked pretty girly too me. I don't know why that's important, but it kinda is.  Clothing does say something about your personality, most of the time. 

"Are you new here?" I spoke, walking to my lunch table, instructing her to follow. "I am. I'm seventeen, and today is my first day.  You're actually the first nice person I've seen all day." She smiled, taking a seat beside me. "Yeah, a bunch of kids here can be complete assholes. Where'd you move from?" I looked around the empty table, frowning slightly.Gigi is usually here before me, I wonder what happened to her. "I moved here from Lancaster." She hummed, tapping her fingers on the table. "My Dad's job required him to move here, so we did. I thought we'd be going to the States, like, Las Vegas or something. He said they got another guy to do that." She shrugged, her voice kinda disappointed. "But my grand mum lives here, it's a plus." She smiled joyful again, looking straight at me.

"The states, huh? That would be such a long ways away." I mumbled, chewing on the slice of "pizza". Honestly you could never be too careful about school lunch food. Last year, there was live maggots in a potato. Fucking insane. "It would, but it'd be something new. It's actually been my dream to travel the world." She smiled to herself, staring off. 

She looked to me. "Have you lived here all your life?" I bit at my bottom lip, tugging the skin on it. "Well, yeah." I laughed softly, pushing my tray away. I wasn't really that hungry anymore. "Hey, Harry." I heard a familiar voice from behind me speak. I spin around to see Gigi, a wide smile on her face as she looks at me to Sabrina. "Hello, I'm Gigi." She smiled at her, taking a seat across from us. "I'm Sabrina, it's nice to meet you!" She rested her chin on her hand, her elbow on the table. "You're new, yeah?" Gigi opened her water, taking a long sip from it.

Of course Gigi already knows exactly who she is, where she's from, and who her parents are. "Yeah!" She smiled. "I'm from Lancaster.." She told her the exact same thing she told me, then they just started talking about it. 

My mind couldn't help but wonder off to thinking about Louis. Maybe I did over react with him, but maybe he is doing something behind my back. I mean, he is my teacher. That's all wrong in itself. Why do I do this to myself? I get myself into these seriously shitty situations, and I have absolutely no idea how to get out of them. I've grown feelings for Louis. I have, sincerely. That's honestly so insane because I've never thought that would happen before. I think people are stupid, honestly. I've always saw myself with a bunch of cats when I'm older. 

"Harry." My attention snapped to Gigi, who was standing up with Sabrina by her side. "The bell rang." She spoke, looking at me with a deep worried look on her face. "Oh." I laughed subtly. "Yeah, I wasn't paying any attention at all... obviously." Sabrina laughed gently, a little un-sincere. Gigi  just nodded, knowing I was a little fucked up with my thoughts. "Right. See you after class, then. C.mon, Sabrina." 

With that, they walked out of the lunch room and down the hall. I sighed, grabbing my bag and tray, tossing the paper into the trash bin. 



"What?" I looked up at Louis with tired eyes. "What's the answer to the question." He growled. I whimpered in shock. I don't know why he's so angry with me, he's never been this angry with me. I gulped, looking up at him in the eyes. "Well?" He frowned, making it obvious that he didn't want to look me in the eye at all. "I don't know." I sighed, getting a few chuckles from my classmates. 

Louis looked at the people laughing, then back down at me. "Then you should listen in my fucking class." He muttered, only the people near me could hear him. The way he's acting makes my heart sink into my stomach. 

Minutes, which seems like hours, later the bell rang to go home. I got up sluggishly, picking up my things, throwing my bag over my shoulder. I look to Louis, who is writing something on a piece of paper. I sigh, watching the last person leave the room. I go up to his desk, looking at the graded test. "Louis." I tapped my finger on the desk. "It's Mr. Tomlinson, Mr. Styles." He spoke low, not even tearing his attention off of the test. "Okay..." I spoke awkwardly. "What's your problem?" I sighed, pushing my hair from my face. 

He looked up at me, sitting his pen on the desk. "My problem?" He repeated, a slight laugh in his tone. "My problem, is you. This is my classroom, I am your teacher. But you choose to ignore me trying to teach your dumb, hopeless ass." 

As he said those words, I'm pretty sure a tear rolled down my cheek. I couldn't tell because of how my heart was beating over two-hundred miles an hour. 

I didn't say a word, I just wiped my eyes and left his class. I head to the bathroom, pressing my back against the wall, sliding down slowly. Why am I crying? People used to say that shit to me all the time, I got used to it, but now, I'm crying about it? Something is up. I bang my head against the wall a couple times, letting out quiet cries. 

The Teacher and the Student || Larry Stylinson (Boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now