Chapter 4

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"...Jordye Wilson" principle Connor finally called. Jordye was the last person to be called since she was obviously the last person in her class with a last name starting with a 'W.' It was just another obstacle that she had to bare. It was yet another obstacle that her father provided for her.

Yes, I'm finally doing it. I'm graduating!

Alright, don't fuck this up.

Walk calmly across this stage.


Don't fall.

Don't give these hoes anymore negative things to talk about.

The new graduates' mind was racing at 100 miles per minute as she made a mental note of everything happening at this moment. Before she even knew it, she had successfully made it across the stage. At this time, she was about to take the last picture of her high school career and the first picture that will start her grown up life. Snap, it was done. After her speech, she could leave this place and never look back.

Almost instantaneously, she had a thought to rush in her subconscious. "Why hadn't anybody tried to mess up my moment?"

Everything seemed to be moving along just fine, until she began exiting the stage. In her peripheral vision, she could see Chancellor and one of his homeboys, Andre standing there.

"Aren't you two supposed to be in your seats?"

They just smiled devilishly at her before proceeding with the plan. With no words spoken, they sprayed what felt like tons of silly string, spray paint, and glitter on poor little Jordye. As soon as the job was done, they dissapeared into the crowd while Jordye stood in the bright spotlight, for everyone to see, looking like a complete hot mess.

Boy Bye {Quinn Cook}Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum