Chapter 6

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Everyone was now outside the auditorium to celebrate a little more and take pictures. Every now and then, people who saw Jordye gave her a mean scowl. Jordye didn't let those people get into her head as she went in search of her family members. Soon she found them near the exit.

"Oh hey. Uhm, sorry about that little outburst, momm-" Jordye was instantly cut off and surprised as her mother wrapped her into a bear hug.

"Oh honey, I'm so proud of you."

"Huh? You are? I basically just cussed out mainly everyone in there."

"No, baby. I don't see it as that. I see it as my little child growing into her own person. I now know that you will never let a person run over you and that makes me feel a little bit better about sending you into the real world." Jordye's mother spoke softly as tears were beginning to fill her eyes.

"Why was she getting so emotional over this moment? Maybe it's just the graduation getting to her." Jordye thought to herself as she let her procceed.

"Now, I know I said I'm proud, but I have no idea where you get this potty mouth of yours from!"

"You know she get it from her big bro!" Hakeem finally interjected to add joyous humor to the situation, but mainly to save his little sister from the lecture she was about to recieve.

Even though 'papa was a rolling stone,' they didn't recognize each other with the word "step." That was his little sister and that was her big brother. He was one person that acted as a friend towards her that was in the same age bracket.

As Hakeem engulfed Jordye in a hug, he nonchalantly pulled her off the side to have a little conversation.

"Girl, where in the hell did that come from?" Hakeem asked with an astonished look on his face.

"The heart." Jordye simply stated as she folded her arms and shift her weight to the right.

"Damn, good to know my little sis got heart." Hakeem announced while playfully punching Jordye in the arm.

"Yeah, yeah. I was just sick and tired of these hoes trying to put a nigga down. And, I'm about sick and tired of them throwing these dirty ass looks at me now." Jordye stated referring to the girl passing by them at a slow pace. Jordye jumped at her making her increase her speed tremendously.

"Damn, you wanna grow a pair and go crazy, don't cha?"

"Nah. Ever heard of a thing called consequences? I never fought in school because that would jeopardize my chances at Duke. Now that I have received my diploma, I am no longer the responsibility of Franklin High." Jordye said mimicking the tone of Principal Connor.

They both laughed at her gimmick until she felt a presence behind her. By the look on Hakeem's face, she knew it was the person that was up to no good.

"Yo, Jordye. Ain't this the fool that's been bullying you the most?" Hakeem asked through clenched teeth.

Jordye turned around to face the one and only Chancellor. Hakeem was moving in closer and closer, but Jordye held him back.

"Don't worry Hakeem. I got this."


"Please Hakeem. I'm a big girl now. Just go wait in the car with mommy and Aunty D. I can handle this."

"Fine. Just call me if I need to come back and beat his ass."

With that, Hakeem headed off to the packed parking lot located on the side of the auditorium.

"What in the hell do you want Chancellor?"

"Ooh. Well look, if it isn't the big and bad Jordye." Chancellor stated in a dry, sarcastic manner.

"Look, I'm going to ask nicely one more time." Jordye stated with anger tracing her voice.

"Oh, no need to get all worked up. I just came over to congratulate you on your wonderful achievements and the wonderful speech. Bravo Jordye, but you just missed out on one important detail. I too will be attending Duke University in the fall. So, since that is out of the way, I'll see you around..... Colleague."

No other words were said as he, once again, disappeared in the crowd. Why couldn't he disappear from her life as well as he did all the time. It take Jordye around 30 more seconds to process what she just had been told. Suddenly she screamed "awe, hell nah!" Only to draw more attention to herself.

Why? Why me? What did I do to deserve this?

Boy Bye {Quinn Cook}Where stories live. Discover now