Chapter 16

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"Winner, Winner. Chicken dinner! Now, pay up." Jordye exclaimed as she made the last shot on the basketball arcade game. Her and Hakeem had to spice up Chuck E. Cheese and make it more interesting.

Hakeem sucked his teeth while reluctantly reaching into his pocket to receive a crisp twenty dollar bill.

"Man, I really shouldn't be giving you nothing because of that whack ass line you just said."

"Yeah, whatever Hakeem. Can I have my money now?" Jordye asked as she tried to grab the bill from the tall 6' 4 figure. In which seems impossible compared to her small 5' 3 frame.

"Nah, you cheated."

"How the hell I cheat in basketball?"

"Cause man. You did some voodoo shit to the machine. That shit was just giving you points."

"Bish whet?" Jordye scrunched up her face and flipped her hair.

"Now I now, y'all not over here gambling and traumatizing these little children." Jordye's aunt stated with a chuckle as she finally joined the rest of the family for a day of fun. Even after a long day of work, she was still going to support Jordye the best way she can.

"No, never that Auntie D." Jordye stated in the most innocent voice, but her aunt was definitely not having it.

"Mhmm, whatever you say. Anyway, your mom sent me over here to let y'all know the pizza and cake are out."

Booth Table

"Ayee, y'all really got me a big cake instead of that baby cupcake."

Jordye was so mesmerized by the beautiful cake that was cover in an array of colors and patterns, she didn't even notice her family telling her to blow out the candles and make a wish.

"Honey, go ahead and make a wish" Jordye's mother exclaimed breaking her daughter out of her trance.

"Oh yeah, yeah. I got it."

However, before she exhaled. She really began to think about all the things she could actually wish for.
"I wish..."
"I wish I could be popular..."
"I wish people would like me..."
"I wish I looked like all these other girls..."

Yet, Jordye wiped all these from her mind and finally said to herself silently, "I am perfect the way I am. I just wish for a happy life. A happy life in my home and in school."

A sigh of relief was waved over her and and released from her body. That was until...

Jordye heard a loud thud towards her left. She looked down and saw something that no daughter would ever want to see.


Boy Bye {Quinn Cook}Where stories live. Discover now