Chapter 12

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Disclaimer : Chapter may get a little dark.

FlatbushZombye: "Uhm. Hey, sorry I didn't message back. I've been having some family issues."

Qcook323: "It's okay, you want you talk about it?"

As soon as Jordye was about the type out a simple "No," her bedroom door flung open presenting her mother, with a "you're in big trouble missy" mug on her face.

"Why in the hell did you just storm out for?" Her mother exclaimed in a huff.

"I didn't have anything else to say." Jordye stated with a simple, matter of fact tone.

"Well, that doesn't mean you have to storm off every time you hear something you don't like. You blow up off the littlest of things!"

"So I wasn't supposed to blow up when my own father doesn't believe a word that's coming out my motherfuckin' mouth?!" Jordye now stood face to face with the women who gave birth to her.

Before she knew it, her mother landed a cold and stern slap across her left cheek. Through gritted teeth, she continued her rage.

"You are not grown damn it! You will not disrespect me in my own house! I pay the bills here, not you! Those clothes you have on your back? Me! Those shoes? Me!"

However, Jordye didn't respond to her mother's dialogue as she stood there holding her burning face. The world as she knew it was crumbling around her. Chancellor. Daddy. Now, mama.

By this time, Jordye's mother realized what she had done and grasped her only child in a hug. After a few seconds, Jordye wiggled free of her hold and ran into the bathroom. With her mother hot on her trail, she managed to slam the door closed before she could enter.

"I'm so sorry, honey! I never meant to hit you. I don't know what got into me. I-I just blacked out." Jordye's mother screamed from the other side of the door in order to be heard.

"Just please. Leave me alone right now." Jordye stated as she slide down the door with her tears doing the same thing.

"But... Sweethea-"

"Please." Jordye whispered. She managed for it to be loud enough for her mother to hear and give her the signal to leave. That is exactly what she did. She left. She left her alone just Jordye hoped the rest of the universe would do.

Left alone with nothing but her thoughts.

As Jordye slowly examined her surroundings. She tilted her head a little and saw something on the counter glow in the light. She then crawled over to the shiny object to figure out what it was. A razor blade.

Jordye clutched onto the razor blade with all her might before placing it directly above the bulging vein of her right wrist.

Could it be the end?

Was this a sign?

A sign from above to end it all?

Boy Bye {Quinn Cook}Where stories live. Discover now