Chapter 20

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"Remember me?"

At his words, Jordye's shocked eyes became slightly squinted as she was uninterested in his presence. Soon enough, she began to walk away from the man trying to talk to her. Chancellor then took his shot to grab Jordye by her arm and turn her back around.

"Jordye, can you please just hear me out? Please." Chancellor looked down at her with pleading eyes.

Jordye then snatched her arm out of his grasp as she folded them across her chest and shifted all her weight onto her left leg.


"Listen Jordye. I'm so sorry for all the shit I've put you through in high school. I know it was wrong and I'm again sorry for it. Oh and sorry for your loss. I know how close you are with your mom."

"Thank. You." Jordye exclaimed; attitude still present.

"Why can't we just end this little rivalry we got?! I'm in front of you trying to make amends!"

"Rivalry? RIVALRY?! Bit- Chancellor, you bullied me throughout high school. I did nothing to you! You really think four long years of that gone make me change my opinion of you only because you said you were sorry? Boy Bye."

"My uncle is dead because of your damn dad! If it wasn't for him I wouldn't have lost the only father figured I've ever known! I'm trying to be man enough and forgive you and your family for your ways!"

Jordye automatically scrunched up her face at how ignorant Chancellor sounded.

" My dad didn't kill your uncle! They both were in the wrong place at the wrong time when the shot rang off!"

Then something dawned on Jordye as she was angrily yelling at the devil standing before her.

" Since your portraying my dad to be the bad guy, is that you reason you befriended him in jail and have him turn against me?"

Chancellor was now silenced.

"Uh huh. Bul-ly-ing. Prime example right there chile. So, retreat back to your cave with all of this fugazi mess please."

"And you better stop all that cursing on church ground. You forgot where we are? My mother's funeral for crying out loud! Where are your manners? Lord forgive me, but your uncle wouldn't have been much help to a piece of trash like you. I pray I don't see you on move in day."

With that Jordye left the church frontier and resided back into the family limo that had been waiting to take her away from the dreaded atmosphere.

After, It'd be a long road to Duke.

Boy Bye {Quinn Cook}Where stories live. Discover now