Chapter 10

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On a Sunday morning around 10:30am, Jordye hears a bing come from her laptop. Her eyes instantly open as she laid in her bed. She slowly scooted over to her desk where it was located to see a message on tumblr.

Qcook323 : "Hey, Jordye?"

FlatbushZombye: "Yes?"

Qcook323 : "Uhm. Hey, my name is Quinn. I go to Duke University and play for the men's basketball team. I heard your going to be there so I just wanted to become friends. Ya know? Get to know you."

FlatbushZombye: "Why would you want to become friends with the biggest loser on the universe?"

Qcook323: "you're not a loser. I feel you're really special actually."

FlatbushZombye: "Boy, you don't even know me."

Qcook323: "scroll up a little bit."

With an confused look plastered on her face, she scrolled up to see what he was referring to. He had just stated "... Get to know you.."

FlatbushZombye: "Okay, Okay. I see, you got game. What would you like to know Quinn?"

Qcook323: "Why are you so cute? 😍"

Jordye was a little taken back by his comment no one had ever called her cute before. Ever.

FlatbushZombye: "Boy, if you don't get! Lol jk, but thanks. Really. How did you even know what I look like?"

FlatbushZombye: "Oh, that dumb video. Never mind."

Qcook323: "yeah, why did your classmates even do that to you?"

FlatbushZombye: "No reason at all! But some may blame it on my dad."

Qcook323: If you don't mind me asking, how did your dad do?"

FlatbushZombye: "Well, he... Honestly, I do mind you asking. It's kind of a sensitive topic and I don't want to just poor my heart out to a complete stranger. No offense."

Qcook323: "No! None taken. I completely understand. I get a little emotional when I talk about my dad."

Before Jordye could respond, there was a light knock at her door before it opened. It was her mom.

"Oh, honey you're up already. Shocker!" Her mom spoke ending her sentence with a bit of sarcasm.

"Hardy Har Har. Yes, I'm up. What do you need?"

"Well, I just came up to see if you wanted to visit Joey?"

Dad. I haven't seen in since school started. It's kinda hard to look my strong-willed father in the eye when your the biggest wimp in your school. However, right now is now. It's time for me to suck it up. Face him like a grown ass women.

Jordye's thoughts encouraged her as she began to give a reponse.

"Uhm. Sure mom. I think this would be a good time to let him know about our lives face to face."

Her mother's smiled couldn't have been any brighter as she was about to walk out the door. "Alright darling. Be ready in 30."

"Hey, mom." Jordye called out before she could leave.


With no words, Jordye ran up to her mother and gave her a gigantic bear hug.

"What's this for, Jor?"

"For the website, for being strong, for giving me life... For everything."

Boy Bye {Quinn Cook}Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя