Chapter 18

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As Jordye laid still in her pitch black bedroom, she was alone in her thoughts.

"My mother is gone."


"Why does everything happen to me?"

Beginning to cry for the umpteenth time today, she clutched onto her mothers body pillow from her room and turned to the side just now noticing her phone lighting up. Her phone consisted of many missed messages and phone calls from Hakeem and Quinn. Both had hopeful thoughts of checking in on Jordye to make sure she was doing okay.

Jordye just so happened to look over and her phone was ringing again. It was Quinn. On the last possible ring, she slide the green phone icon to the right.

"Hello?" Jordye stated in her now embedded stuffy voice.

"Oh thank God.. Jordye are you okay? It's not like you to not respond."

"Yeah.. I'm cool." Jordye lied. "I've just been going through some stuff lately."

"You gone explain that type of stuff or..?"

Jordye then became incredibly quiet, trying to judge whether to tell Quinn or not. All of a sudden, Quinn began to be the goofball that she loved and started humming the jeopardy music causing Jordye to giggle uncontrollably. After bitting her lip in hesitation, she finally decided that she was comfortable enough with Quinn to let him know.

"Listen. Quinn. My-My mom died a few days ago and it hurts. It hurts like hell."

"Awh. Jordye, I'm truly sorry for your loss and I really mean that."

"Thanks. It just that I don't know what to do with myself after all this just went down."

"You know you have to pick yourself up and keep moving. God took her for a reason. I know your mom isn't going to like you just sitting around and moping because she's not there, she'd want you to strive alongside her memory."

"I know, I know. It's just so hard Quinn."

"Believe me. I've been through it. My dad died back in '08 and it still lingers in my thoughts today."

"Quinney. I'm sorry for your loss."

"Thank you, but you know what I do to cope?"


"I shine. Whenever I shine, I know he's looking down on me and smiling."

After that line from Quinn, Jordye began to smile. The whole conversation gave her hope that everything was going to be alright. She was going to attend school and be the best she could be. Jordye Wilson was going to make Mama Leoretta Wilson proud.

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