Xander POVTris and I have our first date tonight. I'm a little nervous- scratch that a lot a nervous. Harper's here with me giving me "words of encouragement" if that's what you want to call it.
"So, don't have sex with him tonight, as much as you may want to"."I'm not gonn-"
"You say that until he starts whispering in your ear, sweet nothings and start rubbing you in your No-No places"
"My no-no places" I laugh holding my sides.
"You look cute, are you sure about this? I still don't trust him xan, I know you may trust him, but..." she says a little more seriously
"Harper, I really don't want to bring up the past right now. He's trying that's all I can ask for."
She smiles at me and says a small"Okay"
I know she has her doubts, so do I. It's not easy getting over how we got to this point. I constantly think about how he and Emily broke up and it bothers me but I can't dwell on that.
"I'm learning to trust him harp." Is all I say before I hear my mother down stairs?"Xan, baby, your dates here!"
I look over at Harper
"Can I have a hug?"
"You get on my nerves." Harper says
"Yeah, I know" We hug and start walking down the stairs, to see my dad AND Sean interrogating Tries.
"Have her back by midnight." My dad says"No, funny business." Sean adds
Really? I laugh at them shaking my head looking at them.
Poor Tris.
"Okay! Break it up, back off" I intervene."I'll be back, when I get back. Okay?" I say sternly.
They both look at me and say "okay"
I turn to Tris and he's wearing a black t shirt, dark jeans and his leather jacket. Damn he looks sexy.
"You look beautiful, Xanny" he smiles at me"Thank you, you look pretty spiffy yourself." Spiffy?
"Spiffy? Really?" He looks at me amused.
"What?" We laugh walking to the car
"So... Where we going?" I ask as he opens my door.
"It's a surprise" he replies
"You know I hate surprises right?"
As we ride in the car my favorite song comes on "Bad Blood" by Tay Swift.
You made a really deep cut, and baby now we got bad blood
Band aids don't fix bullet holes you say sorry just for show you live like that you live with ghosts.I look over at Tris whose singing with me.
Now we got problems and I don't think we can solve em you made a really deep cut and baby now we got bad blood
Hey!The song finishes and we both laugh
"I didn't know you knew that song." I say
"Are you kidding me? I love T Swizzle." He says staring at the road.
After things calm down a bit. I turn to look at him. He has such features, the way his eyes lit up while we sang together was the cutest thing ever.
"Keep checking me out we may not make it to the date" he says without looking at me. I blush
"I'm not going to lie, I was checking you out Tris, and you are extremely cute."Why lie.
He turned to me, as if shocked at my response.
"I really want expecting you to respond that way?" I shrug and look out the window. The car comes to a stop.
"Where are we?" It was dark, but it kind of looked like a park.
"We're going to have a picnic, by candle light" he says simply
As we walk further away from the car, a small light is shining ahead of us. As we get closer, I see a table set up with a Lilly sitting in a vase in the center. With plates set up on either side of it. I stop right next to the table and turn to face Tristan. Tears layer the lower part of my eyes.
"Ho-, how'd you know I liked Lilies?"
"When Sean isn't hating me, he's actually a really big help he helped a lot with the production of this. I wanted it to be special, seeing as though we didn't have a good start."
I stare at him for a while. "Can we sit?" He pulls my chair out and I sit down. He goes to his end and sit
"Will you tell me what happened between you and Emily?" He never shared with me how he broke up with her. He looks down at his hands, then back up at me. "No." He replies.
No? "No? Why not?"
"Xander, I don't want to talk about her while I'm trying to have a good time with you, that's why not."
"Tristan, I just, I don't know I guess I'm just not comfortable with how everything went down. We meet once in a bar, you flirt, I get your number, we hang out almost kiss. Next time I see you, you're with your girlfriend, and you're on a date.... I just want to k know, why is that so bad?"
"Because this isn't the damn time to be talking about her! This is our time!"
"First of all, lower your damn voice, when you speak to me. Secondly, I'm just trying to get a better understand-"
"A better understanding of what? We dated, I f*cked her a couple times, I didn't love her, I got rid of her. I saw you, and I wanted you! And now I have you! The hell does it matter how I ended it?" I stared at him wide eyed. I nod "You just get rid of anything you don't need any more huh?"
"Yeah I do."
"So when you get tired of me, after you f*ck me, after you don't want me. You get rid of me?"
He looks up at me not saying anything.
Oh god, tears threaten to fall on my face. "That silence, says it all.... take me home." I get up from my seat and start walking to the car.
"Xan-Xander!" he calls for me
"Xander! Please just let me explain.''
"You don't have to explain anything Tristan-"
"I don't like when you call me that."
"It's your name isn't it?"
"But it's so impersonal, like... "
"Just take me home.
"Please, I didn't mean-"
"Take me home!" I don't want to look at him I don't want to be around him. I just want to be alone.
Peace out lovebugs

Alexander || Complete
RomanceWhat if I can't leave you alone?" He says invading my personal bubble again. "I can't just stay away from you Xan, I won't. If I can be as close to you as I am now. I will be." Oh sh*t. Don't look in his eyes. He leans in closer and closer, damn doe...