Xander POV
Lying in bed watching "Shameless" was my idea of the perfect Saturday afternoon. "Frank you crazy bastard, leave Fiona alone.'' I lay the bag of popcorn on the bed as I try and get comfortable for this chill day I'm about to have.
Buzz buzz
Text from Tristan
''We need to talk.'' What do we need to talk about? I thought we were okay.
''About?'' I hope he's okay. I get a quick reply back
''Us.'' Maybe he wants to talk about where we go from here, to be truthful I've been thinking a lot about us. I know he's done horrible things to me, but I can't just forget about the good we've had too.
''Us? Okay do you want to meet me somewhere?''
''How about at Finlet Park, under the Willow tree?"
"Yeah! I'll meet you there in 15 min"I get out of bed, and put on some comfy clothes, jeans and a t-shirt. When I get downstairs Sean is walking in the door.
"Hey Sean, where did you go?'' He turns.
"Aw come on! And you didn't bring me back a mocha frappe? That's cold brother.'' He smiles ''Yeah sorry about that maybe next time though.'' He runs up the stairs without saying anything else.
''Okay?" He's acting strange, without having time to dwell on my brothers crazy mood swings, i walk out of the door.
I get to the park but I don't see Tristan yet, I hope he didn't change his mind about this. A car pulls up next to mine in the parking lot, with tinted windows. I get out of mine hoping its Tristan but this isn't his car. Tristan gets out, and looks at me with sadness in his eyes.
"Hey Tris, how are you?" I ask walking closer to him, it almost didn't seem like a year since id been face to face with him
"I've been better, but I'm glad to see you.''
I smile at him, ''I'm happy too, so you wanna walk and talk or just stand here?''
"Uh yeah we can walk for a bit?'' We walk side by side in silence for a moment until I break it.
"So what about us did you want to talk about? Because I know I have something's I want to say to you." He looked deep into my eyes and grabbed my hand.
'' I thi- I know that I'm not good for you Xan, and I know that I haven't been the most trustworthy and likeable for some time. But you deserve to be happy, but I don't think it's, with me.''
Wait what?
''What are you saying Tristan? That you don't want to be with me anymore?'' He looked down and nodded.
Oh my god
''What do you still need time to figure things out? Because I can wait for you. I will for as long as you need to get better. I'll be there for you is that what you need?"
''Xander, I love you. And there is nothing in this world that I'd rather do than be with you-''
''Then be with me damn it! Don't do this, I left so you could get the help you needed. I don't want to lose you Tris'' He refused to look at me no matter how much i moved in his direction.
'' I won't be the reason you don't live your life. Everything you've done for me, I appreciate, but I won't drag you down with me.''
"Drag me down? I want to be with you Tristan. Where is this coming from?'' He looks up at the sky
"I still want you in my life just not as my girlfriend, you deserve to be happy.''
''And who says I can't be happy with you?'' he still wouldn't look at me
''Look at me damn it! Who says I can't be happy with you!?'' He looks into my eyes and I couldn't stop the tears from welling up in my eyes.
"Why are you doing this?''
''I'm doing what's best for you, your brother is right-''
''My brother? What are you talking about?'' Did Sean make Tristan think that I didn't want to be with him?
No, Sean wouldn't do that to me. I look at Tristan and I can see he's telling the truth. ''You're breaking up with me because of my stupid brother!?''
''He's right-'
''F*ck him! He doesn't control who I date or who I want to be with.'' I fan myself trying to calm down and not drive home to beat the living sh*t out of Sean. I turn to Tristan.
"Were any of those words from you or were they his?'' I wait for his answer praying they weren't from him.
"Your brother is right, I want to get better for you. But you deserve someone with their sh*t together. Not someone who's out of their mind, and doesn't know if he'll even be okay ever.'' I grab his hand and I look into his eyes again. ''I love you Tristan Kane.''
''That's why I have to let you go. Because I want nothing but the best for you.'' He pulls me into a hug and I break down. ''Don't do this, please.''
'' I won't do to you what my father did to my mother, I love you more than myself.'' He lets me go and walks back to his car, but before he leaves he looks at me one more time. Then drives away.
I rush to my car and drive to Harper's house, I am going to kill my brother.
Harper's Place
I walk through the front door and slam it closed, ''SEAN, GET YOUR AS* DOWN HERE NOW!" Harper walks down stairs confusion written all over it. '' Xander what the hell is going on? Why are you yelling?''
''Where's my brother?''
She points upstairs, "He's in my room. Whats going on?"
I see Sean lying in bed pretending to be sound asleep. "I know you're not sleep you d*ckhead!"
He turns over with a sour look on his face, "Is there something you need to tell me Sean?" He doesn't say a word just shakes his head. "Don't bullsh*t me Sean! How could you do that? Go behind my back and talking to Tristan without talking to me first?!"
"I was doing what I thought was good for you! He can't even take care of himself let alone you!''
"That isn't a decision you have to make Sean! SH*T! How could you do that? He's having a hard time as it is, he didn't need you making it worse! The choices I make for who I want in my life have nothing to do with you!'' I walk closer to the bed so that he'd know how serious I am.
''Stay the hell out of my personal life Sean, I will only tell you this once.'' I walk out and go into my room and sit on the bed.
I just lost Tristan. Coming to that realization I couldn't stop crying.
****Oh damn! Did Sean do the right thing?
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Alexander || Complete
RomanceWhat if I can't leave you alone?" He says invading my personal bubble again. "I can't just stay away from you Xan, I won't. If I can be as close to you as I am now. I will be." Oh sh*t. Don't look in his eyes. He leans in closer and closer, damn doe...