4- New Member/ Mira's Story

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Dedicated to KuraiDoragon for finding the picture of Mira's mother. Wattpad really doesn't like me...


4- New Member/Mira's Story


All of Buggy's gold coins and collected treasure were scattered everywhere like it had just rained. A piece had even found its way right beside me. I picked up the shiny coin and pocketed it. Might as well keep it of it's gonna come to me.

"Thank you." Nami told Luffy. "You saved my life."

"Ah, no problem." He replied. Realization struck his face. "Ohh, yeah, the map!"

"I have it..." She suddenly cut off and gasped. Buggy had gotten up and was oozing anger and hate.

"It's not over yet, rubber man." His cape was flowing in the current of emotions.

Luffy gulped. "He's still alive!?" I dead panned. We never get a break from this guy, do we? Nami looked ready to bolt at the slightest sound and Luffy was really shocked and confused.

"Shut up!" He shouted. "How dare you inflict so much pain unto me! I won't forget this!" Nami started to back away real slowly. Just before she took off, she looked at Luffy and nodded.

Nami fell to the ground beside me. "Mira! Help me tie up his body parts!"

I stared at her confused. "Eh? What for?"

"Just help me!" She whisper yelled. So we set to work tieing up his parts as fast as we could.

Luffy got into a ready position. "Reassemble!" Buggy cried out. "BARA BARA PARTS!" And I had to laugh when I saw the end results. Buggy was only two feet tall!!! It was just his head, stumpy arms, and short legs! I must say, Nami and I make a pretty good team.

All was silent except for a bird chirp. "Eh?" and that from Buggy. Under my foot, half of the rest of his body parts twitched against the ropes.

Nami had the other half. "Looking for these?" She asked as she pulled the ropes tighter.

Buggy gave a startled scream. "My parts!" Luffy couldn't handle it any more; he let out a loud laugh filled with so much humor, I couldn't help but laugh with him.

"No wonder you're a thief!" He told Nami as he stretched his arms way out behind him. "Hey Buggy!" Buggy was speechless. A wide grin spread across Luffy's face. "GOMU GOMU no..."

"I'm dead!" He cried.

"BAZOOKA!!!" And there went Buggy, flying off never to be seen again. Nami just stared.

Luffy stretched his arms back into place then threw them in the air in victory. "I win!" Nami and I sweat dropped. Then he let out a victorious chuckle. I looked over to where Buggy's crew were pretending to be "dead". They were whispering amongst themselves. I let them be, as did Nami.

Speaking of Nami, she watched Luffy walk over to his ruined hat, sat on the ground, and pick it up. His eyes were shadowed with grief. "Your straw hat is all torn up." She stated the obvoius.

"That's alright," He tried to seem happy. "I can still wear it." So he placed it on his head. "I'm not angry anymore since Buggy's been beaten."

Nami's face told it all that she didn't believe a word he said. "Don't worry. I'll help you patch it up later." She cast her eyes to the ground beside her, a bag of treasure in each hand.

"Eh?" Luffy looked over his shoulder at her. "What?"

"Nothing at all!" She said with a stubborn face.

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