Chapter 9

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Frannie's POV

I don't know what drove me to do it but I did it. I'm a free bird, running from restrictions and rules and all that sets me back to doing what I'm supposed to do like a good little girl. The forthcoming night is mine and open to new possibilities. I shall be oblivious to the consecuences and repercussions that face me when I get back to school for this night shall be mine to keep. And I feel utterly and incomprehensibly terrible.

"Oh my God! I can't believe we just did that! No! No! No!" I yelled into the air, grabbing my shaking head. This couldn't be happening. We had managed to sneak out through an emergency door and we had ended up running for who knows how long until we reached an unfamiliar park. We flopped down behind some trees hidden from sight. You can't be too careful.

Gerard couldn't stop laughing. He lay on the floor clutching his sides so intensely someone who might've not known he was laughing could've thought he was having a convulsion. When it seemed he had enough and started to quiet down, one look at me and he fell to the floor laughing again.

"I want to smack you so hard right now it's not even funny." I glared at him. That was a big mistake cause all that did was make him laugh harder. "Come on, it's not funny! Do you know how serious the consecuences will be? I can't even imagine! First day and not only did I get a detention, I ran away from it! What if they give me even more detention? What if they expel me? What if I get suspension?" I gasped, "Or worse, what if they cancel my opportunity to join a club! Oh shoot me!"

That made Gerard pause for a moment.  "Why is not being able to join a club worse than being expelled?"

"Because clubs are fun and I've always wanted to be in one! My past schools never had any clubs!" I made a not so attractive screech and hid my face in my knees. As if I give a care at the moment if I'm seen.

Weirdly enough, he stopped laughing and pondered for a moment. Then he said,"What kind of shitty school doesn't have clubs?"

"The kind of school that- oh watever! It doesn't really matter right now! Now what is your super awesome plan for the rest of the day? Please tell me you have a pretty solidproof reason for making me ditch detention against my will."

"Against your will? Against your will!?" He started laughing again,"Against your will?! Against your will!?" And he repeated that over and over again while laughing. Oh Lord. He's making voices now.

I got up and said bluntly,"You're insane." And started stalking away. For a moment I actually felt disappointed I thought he wasn't going to call back for me. But who am I kidding? I'll be glad to go to the safe confines of my home. As if I really wanted to spend more addrenaline on him. I could spend it reading a book or something else productive.

I heard a sigh behind me and abrublty felt a hand on mine. "Wait, don't go. I'm sorry. He turned me around with a gentle tug on my hand. He chuckled but then tried holding it back. "I'll behave. Just don't go." He silently begged me to stay with his eyes. If my emotions were manifested as a natural phenomenon, I would be a volcano right now. I felt my cheeks burning with embarrassment.

I slowly pulled my hand away and he seemed shocked to be still holding onto it. I said,"Give me a good reason why I should. You haven't really proved to be a safe, logical person so far. Why should I risk further trouble to hang out with you?" I inquired with my eyebrows.

He seemed incomprehensible for a moment as he thought how to answer. "Because you won't regret it." I faked a yawn and he quickly said after that,"And because you owe me. You never really thanked me for covering up for you and for doing that really nice favor. And you never apologized for the little misunderstanding. So it is only fair that you do this if not out of the bottom of your heart but out of the justification of your morality. So technically, you have no choice. Yo're basically coming...against your will!" And he started laughing again. I couldn't help feeling a smile creep onto my face too.

"Okay then...good reason. But it's not as if I actually feel sorry though, I mean it was basically your fault in the first place."

"Okay, you know what? Let's forget it. I mean seriously, could you think of a dumber way to meet someone the way we did? If you think about it, it's all very stupid."

I laughed. "You've got a are we going to stand here all day or are we actually going to do something worthwhile?"

"I've got an idea." He whispered his plan to me. At first I was appalled at doing such a feat but then you could see me slowly nodding my head to his devious thinking. There are only two ways we could end up when the night is over. Either safely at each of our houses or safely behind bars.

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